Guardian says that Obama may lightly tap Israel on the arm

Read with caution but if true a welcome development (though, how much longer must we accept the role of the Palestinian Authority as representing all Palestinians? They do not:) The US has given private assurances to encourage the Palestinians to join indirect Middle East peace talks, including an offer to consider allowing UN security council…

Examples of American Jewry loathing all Arabs

A constant theme of this website is the shocking effect of Zionism on so many Diaspora Jews; the hatred towards Arabs and the racism against Palestinians. Max Blumenthal captures just the latest example: On April 25, over 1000 New York-area Jewish extremists gathered in midtown Manhattan to rally against the Barack Obama administration’s call for…

Illegal East Jerusalem expansion on the cards and Washington approves

A revealing article by one of Israel’s leading establishment reporters, Ben Caspit, that indicates the kind of dance that Washington and Israel have always done. And we wonder why Palestine continues to be colonised? Israel and the US have reached secret agreements about construction in Jerusalem. Both sides agreed to leave the agreements between themselves…

The day Obama allowed Israel to bomb Iran

For anybody who thinks that Obama’s America would never allow Israel to go crazy, here’s a cold shower: The Barack Obama administration’s declaration in its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) that it is reserving the right to use nuclear weapons against Iran represents a new element in a strategy of persuading Tehran that an Israeli attack…

Obama is like Hitler for some West Bank settlers

Crazy rightist Jews burn effigies of Barack Obama in the West Bank. The interview between a reporter and a settler is instructive: Rino Tzror: Hello to Guy Varon, our correspondent in the territories. So they started to distribute effigies and pictures of Obama? Guy Varon: After we have seen right-wing activists burning pictures of Saddam,…

The real fighters, cooks and trainers in Afghanistan

Who is really fighting the war in Afghanistan? The message, very often, is sent with bloodshed. There was the suicide bombing last week on a fortified Kandahar guesthouse shared by Western contracting companies, killing four Afghans and injuring several Americans. There was the Afghan engineer, shot dead in March as he helped inspect a school…

What the world wants is rampaging Zionist forces fighting evil

Must we continue to suffer this kind of Zionist chauvinism year in year out? Over the past 20 years, we’ve evolved from films like Schindler’s List to movies like Defiance and Inglourious Basterds. Jewish characterizations have morphed from victims to strong, rugged combatants in the face of threats from Nazis – now they face evil…

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