Obama wants peace in our time (and the Middle East may not be ready)

Either a massive game-changer or a case of massive American over-reach (hello Zionist lobby, Congress etc?) U.S. President Barack Obama’s demands during his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Tuesday point to an intention to impose a permanent settlement on Israel and the Palestinians in less than two years, political sources in Jerusalem say.…

“Obama is the greatest disaster for Israel”

It’s hard to tell if this remains simply a lover’s tiff (with no real consequence for the offending party, Israel) or something more. Certainly a war of words has erupted, and it’s rather fun to watch: Israel‘s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, tried to smooth over a breach in relations with the US today, speaking out…

East Jerusalem should not be touched

While Gideon Levy in Haaretz hopes and prays Barack Obama keeps up his pressure on Israel: Obama is asking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and through him every Israeli, to finally speak the truth. He’s asking Netanyahu and the rest of us: What on earth do you actually want? Enough with the misleading answers; the moment…

What Passover means to Jews who loathe Arabs

Today is the beginning of the Jewish holiday Passover, so here’s fundamentalist West Bank Jews Women in Green making a statement to the world: Dear Friends, As we prepare for Pessach, the People of Israel put to rest Eliraz Peretz and Ilan Saviatovsky, two soldiers who fell in battle with Arab terrorists. As the mother…

Protect and hug the favoured Middle East son

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on radical Zionists asking Americans to feel sorry for poor Israel up against “anti-Semitic” Barack Obama: Given the endless largesse that country continues to receive, the fact that American devotees of Israel nonetheless try to depict Israel as some sort of grave victim of the Obama administration — and now even try…

Weapons for Israel

In case anybody was worried about the relationship between Washington and Israel, rest easy, friends, business isn’t being interrupted: As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington this week absorbing the full wrath of the Obama administration, the Pentagon and Israel’s defense establishment were in the process of sealing a large arms deal. According to…

Murdoch wants to protect Israel from being itself

Here’s some supreme propaganda for your weekend. Murdoch’s Australian places this story on page one, written by their favourite establishment supporting “reporter” Greg Sheridan – victims of Western wars, what are talking about? – and demands that Australia ignore Israel’s criminality: TONY Abbott has called on the Rudd government not to expel an Israeli diplomat…

Zionist Republican can only talk about incinerating Iran

Good lord. Here’s Republican Senator Lindsey Graham speaking at AIPAC with his vision for the Middle East (war against Iran, killing Persians and loving Israel). Don’t tell me that Zionism hasn’t deformed public debate in America (via Mother Jones): Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) laid it on thick at AIPAC’s annual gala banquet on Monday. Referring…

Chomsky on the reasons behind increased US funding to Colombia

Noam Chomsky writes about the “change” brought by the Obama administration to Latin America: Throughout the expansion of US Empire, Latin America retained its primacy in global planning. As Washington was considering the overthrow of the Allende government in Chile in 1971, Nixon’s National Security Council observed that if the US couldn’t control Latin America,…

Sydney Morning Herald says Israel is walking in the wilderness

A surprisingly strong editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald that indicates the growing anger towards Israel in the Western elites. A healthy sign: Most of the experts working on Middle East peace think Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are hindering progress. Not so Benjamin Netanyahu. ”We must not be trapped by…

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