A little, almost token effort, to slap Israel over murdering people

Trouble in paradise: Britain has expelled Mossad’s most senior official in London after concluding there was compelling evidence that UK passports used by a hit squad in Dubai were cloned by Israel. The Independent has learnt that the documents were cloned at Ben Gurion airport, and officials then made follow-up calls to check surreptitiously that…

Google and China, a relationship that ain’t over yet

Not so fast in believing that Google has completely ended its censorship regime in China: Google’s operations and long-term prospects in China were shrouded in confusion , as it emerged that it is still censoring search services for its partners because of contractual obligations. The world’s leading search engine hoped to resolve two months of…

AIPAC is a nice show but the chaos continues in the Holy Land

So, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells the Zionist lobby AIPAC faithful that (illegal) settlements in East Jerusalem are staying and expanding: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told AIPAC activists that “Jerusalem is not a settlement,” and also depicted the Palestinian Authority as not taking steps for peace. During the comments on… Jerusalem, the 8,000 American…

AIPAC warns Obama, blames the Palestinians and doesn’t break a sweat

America’s leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, is currently hosting its annual conference in Washington. Even Jeffrey Goldberg thinks the schedule is too right-wing: The dearth of speakers who approach the most contentious issues of the Middle East from a left-Zionist perspective is noticeable. Most American Jews voted for Obama; most American Jews are liberal; and most…

In praise of Obama’s health care plan

A message from a friend in America: When you wake up today, you will have woken up in a country that has finally passed hugely significant, though incremental, health care reform. Hundreds of millions of your fellow Americans (fellow human beings) will benefit concretely from these changes, and we will all be several big steps…

JPost man blames Obama for Iran’s growing rise

This is how the editor of the Jerusalem Post, David Horowitz, views the recent oh so mild pressure from America: By deliberately inflating the [settlement] Ramat Shlomo issue into a public crisis of faith in its ally, the Obama administration has encouraged Israel’s enemies.

Occupation continues while Obama will convince the world that progress is being made

A minor step in the right direction, though of course, if history is any guide, the settlements will expand while intense “negotiations” commence: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is leaving for Washington tonight, has promised the Obama administration Israel will make several goodwill gestures toward the Palestinian Authority in response to Washington’s demands. For the…

Our good friends in Pakistan like to torture

Robert Fisk reports from Pakistan on the 8000 “disappeared” citizens during the country’s US-backed “war on terror”: There is evidence that Pakistan’s “disappeared” are moved around, between barracks and interrogation centres and underground torture facilities in different towns and cities. There are also terrible rumours – fostered, some say, by the security authorities – that…

The danger of rampant Zionism catching on in middle America?

Leading Australian thinker and academic Scott Burchill comments on the recent revelations that American General David Petraeus is publicly linking the Middle East conflict and Washington’s failures in the Muslim world: Assuming that [Mark] Perry’s report is accurate – and it apparently is – it’s quite a significant development. If the Pentagon decides to flex…

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