Web liberation in the Islamic Republic needs more than lip service

Iranian dissidents clearly need more global support but surely backing from the US government is sending the completely wrong message? At a time when the Obama administration is pressing for harsher sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program, democracy advocates in Iran have been celebrating the recent decision by the United States to lift sanctions…

What will it take for the love affair with Israel to cool?

With Israel under intense pressure to wind back its colonial project, the role of dissident Jews is vital, to make the wider community knows that we don’t support the actions of the Jewish state. Jews don’t speak with one voice. It’s important, therefore, that the mainstream media is noticing. Take this piece in today’s Sydney…

FInding a way back to endless talking between Arabs and Israelis

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz that Washington must back its recent comments to Israel with more than words: Israel – addicted to the occupation, and showing symptoms of overdose and accumulated damage – has finally found a savior to rescue it from its plight. Israel’s redeemer hasn’t just stood idly by for 40 years, but…

Pressure on Israel grows, but what will be the real response?

The latest court gossip about the Israeli/American relationship. Wake me up when the Jewish state actually reverses any of its occupation. The Guardian: King Abdullah of Jordan added to pressure on Israel over its settlements policy today, demanding the international community take firm action over what he called the “red line” of Jerusalem. Abdullah, a…

The Israel lobby strikes back

Speaking of “journalists” who love Israel like an old wine; juicy if you know where to lick but corrupt to the core. Over to you, Murdoch columnist Greg Sheridan: The Australia-Israel relationship, normally a byword for geostrategic stability and enduring human warmth, has had some stormy passages lately. The use of Australian passports by the…

Iran, Iran, Iran (don’t talk about Israel and settlements)

Just in case we’d forgotten why Washington should never pressure Israel (today it’s Iran, yesterday it’s Iraq and perhaps in years to come…Venezuela?): As more than a dozen lawmakers go on record to ask the Obama administration to end the diplomatic spat with Israel following Vice President Joe Biden‘s visit, some are now warning that…

If Tzipi Livni is America’s saviour, then God help us all

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg thinks he knows what the Obama administration is doing with Israel at the moment: There is much speculation that this kerfluffle over 1,600 theoretical apartments on the wrong side of the green line in Jerusalem will lead to a rupture in American-Israeli relations, but analysts who suggest this are missing the…

Obama and Netanyahu are singing again soon

Washington and Israel, the best of friends again: Israel’s ambassador to Washington and the White House denied remarks that have fueled the current Israel-U.S. crisis. Israel’s Michael Oren was quoted this week by Ha’aretz as saying that relations were at a 35-year-low after Israel embarrassed Vice President Joe Biden during visit to the region by…

The latest on the supposed rift between Israel and (usually) compliant Washington

A running, mainstream media commentary on Israel’s current spat with Washington is below. Countless articles are now appearing across the world detailing the supposed crisis between the close allies. Frankly, I’m skeptical. I don’t doubt that the Obama administration is upset with Israel’s apparent dissing of Vice President Biden but what matters is a serious…

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