Why Edward Snowden is a hero for our times

Listen to his words on the ever-growing US surveillance state and why his whistle-blowing is so essential to accountable democracy; clear, concise, passionate, angry and truthful: There’s been countless vital stories on the role of Snowden, his talking to the Guardian’s Glenn Gleenwald and how so many in the corporate media fail to hold power…

Bradley Manning trial starts and the fix is in

This is a classic show trial by an embarrassed and vindictive US government that doesn’t like the world seeing how it rules the world with impunity. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange released a statement on 3 June: As I type these lines, on June 3, 2013, Private First Class Bradley Edward Manning is being tried in…

Looking for the Left, please apply at the door

In 2012, I published with Jeff Sparrow an edited collection called Left Turn,… essays designed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the global and Australian Left. Here’s a sobering piece by Jeffrey St. Clair in Counterpunch about the US Left and its failings: Is there a Left in America today? There is, of course, a…

Full transcript of my interview with Jeremy Scahill

Australian publication New Matilda published my interview with journalist and author Jeremy Scahill yesterday.…  Our recent conversation covered many areas so I’m publishing below a full transcript of the interview conducted by phone on 15th May: Where are the main places US is using armed drones outside Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia? One area that…

Talking to Jeremy Scahill on war, drones and Wikileaks

My following interview appears in today’s New Matilda: Journalist Jeremy Scahill has spent his life exposing the dark recesses of US foreign policy. He talks independent media, drones and terror in this exclusive interview with Antony Loewenstein The Weekly Standard is the neo-conservative bible that backed the US wars against Iraq and Afghanistan and today…

Obama’s war on terror could last for decades

The open-ended nature of this “war”, plus a plethora of global targets, should make us concerned. Resistance is vital. Here’s Charlie Savage in the New York Times: A top Pentagon official said Thursday that the evolving war against… Al Qaeda… was likely to continue “at least 10 to 20 years” and urged Congress not to modify the…

Israel desperate for regional war?

Savvy piece by Larry Derfner in +972 magazine. The lack of mainstream criticism over Israeli actions against Syria reveals the agenda; install a pliant thugocracy in Damascus. Good luck with that: People in this country [Israel] have been worried that the fighting in Syria is going to “spill over the border,” and now Israel, unprovoked,…

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