”˜Anti-Zionist’ Jew: author of ”˜My Israel Question’ heads for Bali

The following article by Katrin Figge is published today in one of Indonesia’s largest English newspapers, The Jakarta Globe: For a person who gets hate mail and death threats on a regular basis, Antony Loewenstein remains surprisingly cheerful. The Jewish-Australian journalist, activist, blogger and author, who is based in Sydney, has stirred up plenty of…

Lone voices in Iran will be heard

Human rights abuses in Iran, especially since the disputed June election, are growing by the day. Here’s just one way that the internet is spreading the information to the world, away from government thugs: Following controversial elections in Iran, Ibrahim Sharifi joined the popular street protests. After being tracked down by Iran’s security forces, he…

The Zionist blogging army is coming to a battle near you

I mentioned in early September a forthcoming blogger conference in Israel as a way for Zionist forces to co-ordinate propaganda for the state. Let’s call them whores for Israel. Evgeny Morozov, writing on his Foreign Policy blog, has a long post about the event and it’s worth quoting in full: At the risk of stepping…

Why does nobody love journalists?

Mainstream media, you have a serious problem: The news media’s credibility is sagging along with its revenue. Nearly two-thirds of Americans think the news stories they read, hear and watch are frequently inaccurate, according to a poll released Sunday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. That marks the highest level…

Ham-fisted Zionist propaganda (on the Sabbath)

Zionist bloggers, come to Israel to meet fellow Jews and learn how to spread the word about…Humus? What do Humus101, The Big Felafel, and Mommy’s Going Meshugganah have in common? They’re all blogs which concern Jewish issues such as being a tourist in Israel and how to deal with a Jewish in-law. Creators of these…

In China, nudity, politics and corruption collide

China’s internet culture is both thriving and repressed. These contradictions are examined in my book, The Blogging Revolution. This story below perfectly explains the power of the web, the inability of rural people to be heard in the country and sad gender politics: Recently, “Yunnan Naked Girl” has become one of the hottest topic in…

The Islamic Republic allows blogging from prison

Former Iranian Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi is currently suffering a sham trial for allegedly backing the recent “coup” against the elected government. It’s all bollocks, of course, as this Washington Post piece explains: Abtahi has been allowed to continue blogging from his prison cell by his “good friend the interrogator,” he writes, and he…

How much is that democracy in the window?

During last year’s war between Russia and Georgia, conflicting narratives were flying around the world, something I wrote about in the Guardian. One year on, it now appears that Western-led, PR companies are leading the way to capture the hearts, minds and wallets of the global elite (via the Guardian): The war between Moscow and…

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