Telling accurate stories about struggles in Gaza

Hamas recently premiered its first film in Gaza. Blogger Lina Al Sharif attended the screening and wrote the following observations: It’s not the best movie I have seen, but it’s a movie from Gaza. Putting in consideration all the circumstances, the resources and facilities that are needed to produce a movie with such plot; the…

China can’t stop the web movement

In my book The Blogging Revolution I examine the central role of the web in China. A new work, Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online, expands the conversation: Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has revolutionized popular expression in China, enabling users to organize, protest, and influence public opinion in unprecedented ways. Despite…

Inside the mind of a leftist IDF reservist

Israeli journalist and blogger Noam Sheizaf – whom I recently met in Tel Aviv – is currently on reserve duty in the West Bank. It’s an interesting role for somebody so utterly opposed to the occupation. In his latest post, he tries to explain his thinking. Welcome to the tortured mind of the progressive Israeli:…

The politics of Gazan schooling

Palestinian writers and bloggers discuss school graduation in Gaza; attempting a sense of normality in a completely unreal environment. Nazek Abu Rahma and Hanadi Al Qawasmi write: These are some of the scenes of joy in Palestine for its outstanding students. Palestine is renowned for the high academic achievement of its students, compared with other…

An Islamic Republic that nobody recognises

In my book The Blogging Revolution I explained my time with Iran’s former Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi, a popular blogger. He is currently on trial in Tehran as a supposed ring-leader of the post-election chaos. It is a sham, a show trial. His “confession” – “I say to all my friends and all friends…

Why the web is breaking down Zionist tribalism

Following our recent video shot in Jerusalem on Americans, Jews, settlements and bigotry, one of the makers, David Jacobus, responds on Mondoweiss to some of the criticisms directed at us: As a contributor to the film Cruel but Necessary: Israeli Opinions about the Settlements and Obama, I wanted to add some perspective on the debates…

Money needed for the media future

Get ready for the pay as you go revolution: The Financial Times editor, Lionel Barber, has predicted that “almost all” news organisations will be charging for online content within a year… And “real” journalists are what matter in this new, media landscape: Barber made a distinction between “crafted” journalism and blogs “largely based on opinion…

Being out and proud in the Arab world

The issue of homosexuality in the Arab world is a touchy one, often ignored, shunned or ridiculed. There is progress, but it’s slow and painful: The first gay book to have been ever translated into Arabic after being originally printed in English has run into problems straight off the press.… The book,… Gay Travels in the Muslim…

Russian freedom of speech in dire shape

I’ve long held an interest in human rights in Russia (or the recent lack thereof.) The late, murdered journalist Anna Politkovskaya remains a hero of mine. Tragically, Russian bloggers document the killing of yet another activist, Natalya Estemirova.

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