The establishment talks it out

A revealing discussion about the current Israel/Hamas clash between Heather Hurlburt from Democracy Arsenal/National Security Network and Eli Lake from The Washington Times and The New Republic:

Bloggers under fire

I was interviewed by Sarah Arnold in US magazine The Nation for an article published online on December 23: According to a Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) report released December 4, of the 125 media workers in prison – a list that includes Ibrahim Jassam, a photographer held in US custody in Iraq – more…

The lobby still has long legs

Leading Jewish blogger Phil Weiss thinks the current Gaza strikes will “help end the Israel lobby“: It’s just a theory, and yes I’m an optimist. But the grotesque events in Gaza rise above, well, the previous grotesque events in Gaza. And here is the great Glenn Greenwald attacking Marty Peretz for his disgusting rationalization of…

Why stop now?

Another day and more Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The latest here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Palestinian bloggers are filing on the ground reports of the attacks.

Some begin to grow up

Much of the global mainstream Jewish establishment still denies ethnic cleansing took place in 1948, but in some countries things are beginning to change: Challenging 90 years of institutionalized denial of the massacre and deportation of the Ottoman Empire’s indigenous Armenian community during WWI, tens of thousands of Turkish intellectuals, academics, writers, journalists and dissidents…

That was the year that was

Literary Minded, Australia’s finest literary blog, has published its Literature that Rocked My World in 2008 list. My book, The Blogging Revolution, features: An eye-opener.… A well-written, personalised nonfiction book that is essential… to our era. Should be read by young and old. See my extensive interview with Antony.

Harvard Law School

Following my recent talk at Harvard University’s Berkman Centre on my book The Blogging Revolution, the Law School has just published a report on the event.

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