What can blogging really do?

Following my talk yesterday at Harvard University’s Berkman Centre on The Blogging Revolution, a live-blog featured some of the more interesting elements of the discussion, such as this: Q: I was born in Poland and saw the Solidarity movement go from tiny to 1/3 of the population supporting it, in just a couple of months.…

Going online in repressive regimes

My following talk was presented today to a full room at Harvard University’s Berkman Centre: Harvard University’s Berkman Centre for Internet and Society Luncheon Series, 25 November 2008 The Blogging Revolution: Going online in repressive regimes Antony Loewenstein Internet censorship is something that only happens in non-democratic states. Regimes that want to crush free speech…

Just a few more hitches on the path to freedom

Democracy is on the march in Iraq, we’re constantly told, except blogger Suadad Al-Salhy writes from inside the parliament and finds: It seems like 70% of the Iraqi MP’s have no idea what is in the [status of forces] agreement. This is clear from the complaints and criticisms that I hear when I am listening…

Spreading the word in the US

After years of talking in Australia and overseas about the Israel/Palestine conflict and internet repression, I’m about to commence a US… speaking tour. My first presentation early next week, at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, is on “The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective“: A critical examination of…

Media monitors

Sydney PEN, an affiliate of International PEN, is an association of writers devoted to freedom of expression in Australia and in the world at large. In accordance with the PEN Charter it uses its influence on behalf of writers anywhere who are silenced by persecution, exile or imprisonment and acts as an authoritative source on… matters…

Another side of a “liberated” country

Kabul Korrespondence is a blog written by a Westerner living in the Afghan capital. He’s also an editor of the world’s first Afghan photo agency, Aina Photo. A post from yesterday details the fascinating contradictions of the fledgling nation: Schoolboy error shouldn’t stop attempted suicide bomber’s timetable This morning, he was a committed jihadist. This…

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