Mad for the web

While internet majors are fighting for the spoils of a growing web market, the Chinese continue to embrace the new technology: One of the more striking end-of-year statistics pumped out recently by the Chinese government was an update on the number of internet users in the country, which had reached 210m. It is a staggering…

Rupert embraces the inner terrorist in us all

Rupert Murdoch’s Australian website,, conducts an “investigative report” into “the hidden war on Australia” – the stories are titled “online jihad” – and discovers these startling facts: A special investigation by infiltrating these global networks has identified jihadi references to the “embarrassing collapse” of the Howard government and cites Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s…

Spread only good propaganda

Keep a blogger locked up at home long enough with nothing but Chinese state TV and an internet connection to keep them occupied and they’re bound to subvert something eventually. The case of imprisoned Chinese blogger Hu Jia is symtematic of the Chinese government’s fear of the online medium. After all: Chinese President Hu Jintao…

Karzai’s fundamentalist regime, courtesy of us

The case of the Afghani journalist sentenced to death for allegedly downloading a suspect article online is far more complex than we are being told, writes Afghan blogger Sanjar: This is a power game, Karzai government has been critical of media for awhile, this incident allowed the religious scholar to rampage a journalist. In big…

Alternative Jewish thinking

The siege of Gaza has failed. In praise of the Jewish blogosphere. We need America’s help. There Won’t Be Peace in the Middle East Till There’s a Naqba Museum in the U.S.

Who said the Taliban ever left?

This is what “liberation” looks like in Afghanistan: The Afghan Association Blog Writers (Afghan Penlog), a community established by a group of Afghan activist bloggers, has expressed deep concern for a young journalist Sayed Parwiz Kambakhsh who was condemned to death by a local court. He has been a reporter for Jahan-e Naw (New World)…

210 million and counting

According to a report by the China Internet Network Information Center, there were 210 million internet users by the end of 2007, an increase of 48 million in the previous six months.

Protecting the Americans

Iraq is rarely on the front pages anymore. It should be. Two recent pieces of writing, from opposite sides of the globe, highlight the profound disconnect between much of the Western media and reality on the ground. First, an extract from The Guardian’s Jonathan Steele’s new book, Defeat: Why We Lost Iraq: That phrase –…

Why bother?

The pure futility of it all: A Turkish court has again blocked access to the popular video-sharing Web site YouTube because of clips allegedly insulting the country’s founding father, according to reports Sunday. It was the second time Turkey banned the site because of clips deemed disrespectful to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. It is illegal in…

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