Tasteless tourism should be avoided in Sri Lanka

Following the recent ethical tourism campaign for Sri Lanka launched by Britain’s Sri Lanka Campaign, this story shouldn’t surprise anybody; Colombo is proud of committing war crimes against Tamils and would like to make some money from it (via the UK Telegraph): A campaign group for human rights has criticised “tasteless” holiday accommodation built on…

UK Israel lobby is most powerful in the country

The power of the Zionist lobby in Britain is far too rarely discussed in the mainstream media. And yet its presence is one of the key reasons London is so blindly supportive of Israel. Here’s a rare perspective, written by Peter Obourne in the UK Telegraph.… Note the fear that the two-state solution is dead/dying/on life…

War on Drugs a massive failure so who’s ready to stop it?

British Deputy Prime Minister and Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg speaks the truth about the “war on drugs”: If you were waging any other war where you have 2,000 fatalities a year, your enemies are making billions in profits, constantly throwing new weapons at you and targeting young people – you’d have to say you…

UK Independent urges action not words on Israeli settlements

The kind of editorial we can expect to see a lot more of in the coming months and years: Israel has not only “punished” the Palestinians for seeking and achieving an upgrade of UN status, it has also slapped the face of the UK and of Germany, both of whom withheld support for the Palestinians…

Serco and G4S making a killing by British outsourcing craze

(Via The Independent): More than half of the Government’s contract spending on detention services went to just two firms, G4S and Serco, a report reveals today. G4S was this month stripped of a key prison contract in the wake of its shambolic handling of Olympic security but the report reveals it won contracts for a…

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