Think twice before visiting Sri Lanka as a tourist

Ever since the end of the country’s civil war in 2009, Colombo has promoted tourism as a way to normalise the place. The Western media has blindly followed. But Sri Lanka isn’t a normal state; it remains authoritarian. I’m proud that the UK-based Sri Lanka Campaign, where I’m an advisor and have pushed for this…

Britain as the torture-endorsing nation

Fascinating new evidence in the Guardian: Within days of the 9/11 attacks on the US, the… CIA… told British intelligence officers of its plans to abduct… al-Qaida… suspects and fly them to secret prisons where they would be systematically abused. The meeting, at the British embassy in Washington, is disclosed in… a forthcoming book by the Guardian journalist Ian Cobain.…

How “liberal media” covers all those war-mongering Western leaders. Oh wait…

A typically astute Medialens analysis: Liberal journalism is balanced, neutral and objective, except when it’s not. A BBC news report on Hugo Chavez’s latest election triumph in Venezuela… commented: ‘Mr Chavez said Venezuela would continue its march towards socialism… butalso vowed he would be a “better president”.’ (Our emphasis. The article was subsequently amended, although the ‘but’…

Remembering the slaughter in Sri Lanka

Last week saw the London launch of a new book by Frances Harrison called Still Counting the Dead. Harrison is a former BBC foreign correspondent. The work is about the civil war in Sri Lanka and the killing of tens of thousands of Tamils in the slaughter. Here’s video of the event:

Finally, some resistance to disaster capitalism masters G4S

Via the Guardian: The private security firm… G4S… should be the first name on a government blacklist of “high-risk” companies that have failed to deliver public services, a cross-party investigation into the… Olympic security shambles… has concluded. The Commons home affairs committee says G4S should forgo its …£57m management fee for the contract that it still insists on claiming…

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