When a country privatises the kitchen sink, quelle surprise when things go wrong

Interesting development in Britain (via the Guardian) that shows deep concern with the companies both major sides of politics increasingly believe should run the country: Home Office ministers have ordered weekly reports on the progress of two new contracts with the private security companies… G4S… and… Serco… to house and provide support services for thousands of asylum seekers and…

G4S, face of unaccountable outsourcing, still finding willing fools in Britain

The Guardian reports: G4S, the company at the centre of the Olympic security fiasco, has started to recruit staff to carry out criminal investigations for a… police… force, with duties that include house-to-house inquiries, giving evidence in court and undertaking “sensitive high-profile cases under limited supervision”. The news comes as two Cabinet ministers said the G4S failings…

Just two examples of what privatised “security” means

The Washington Post: The security contractor at a Tennessee plant that stores the nation’s supply of weapons-grade uranium has replaced its general manager almost two weeks after three protesters, including an 82-year-old nun, got into a high-security area. Security firm WSI Oak Ridge confirmed to the Knoxville News Sentinel Wednesday that Steven C. Hafner is…

“After Zionism” events hit London

I’ll soon be speaking at two major events in London for my just released book, After Zionism. 21 August at the Frontline Club: With a new coalition formed in Israel, a prospective reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah and a new leader in Egypt it could be said the century-long Israeli–Palestinian conflict is entering a new…

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