Outsourcing justice; G4S wants control in Britain

The world’s largest security company, privately run for profit, wants to run even more of our lives. Open Democracy… explains: A violent burglary. The scenes of crime officer who visits your house is employed by G4S. Fibre samples are found, swabs taken and despatched to G4S Forensics. A suspect is held in police cells run by…

The selling off of our prized possessions

The record of private security company G4S is deeply troubling… (including in Papua New Guinea, from where I recently returned). So this news is both worrying and a sign of things to come globally. For some privatisation propagandists, everything should sold to private interests: Private security company G4S is about to sign a deal which would…

The tortured method of Murdoch’s British empire uncovering its crimes

Columbia Journalism Review ask the right questions about this murky investigation: The New York Times… piqued my interest by… writing this… on Sunday: “Dozens of people — lawyers, forensic accountants, forensic computer technicians and, sometimes, police officers — gather daily at a site in Thomas More Square here, where News International is based, searching through 300 million e-mails…

What Murdoch will be remembered for; backing imperial wars

Interesting comment here, and undeniably true, in the UK Press Gazette. There are so few truly courageous journalists from the Murdoch stable who would know this to be true but refuse to speak out; gotta pay the mortgage on that charming 4 bedroom place, remember? Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre yesterday said other Fleet Street…

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