With Libya “free”, the Islamic Republic may soon receive freedom bombing

Peace-loving Britain, America and Israel may soon engage in yet another “liberation” in the Middle East: Britain’s armed forces are stepping up their contingency planning for potential military action against Iran amid mounting concern about Tehran’s nuclear enrichment programme, the Guardian has learned. The Ministry of Defence believes the US may decide to fast-forward plans…

Only fools believe we should stay in Afghanistan

After more than 10 years of Western-led war in Afghanistan, The Guardian’s Jonathan Steele says that it is a conflict that we’ll (thankfully) never win. Take note America, Britain and Australia: Two days after 9/11, I wrote a column in The Guardiansaying that if the U.S. reaction was to put boots on the ground in…

Libya is now land of business opporunities

Well, that didn’t take long. Even before Gaddafi was found and murdered, Western businesses were dreaming of the huge profits that could be made. Disaster capitalism on crack. Now, in a front page New York Times story, the joys continue: The guns in Libya have barely quieted, and NATO’s military assistance to the rebellion that…

Creeping private security pervades our “democratic” life

Our world is being outsourced and barely anybody has noticed: Hundreds of privately contracted police officers are working for forces across the country despite being unaccountable to the watchdog responsible for investigating deaths in custody, public complaints and allegations of wrongdoing, an investigation by The Independent has found. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has…

Mocking Europe, neo-liberals, shouldn’t make you feel good

Guy Rundle explains in Melbourne’s Sunday Age: For the right in the US and here, ”Europe” is more than a continent. It is a condition – one of failure and stagnation, a cautionary tale. With Greece in flames and Italy and Spain in serious difficulty, there has been plenty of scope to make that case…

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