Britain caving to Washington?

So are there any countries that are willing to seriously challenge American pressure? Julian Assange’s lawyer said that Sweden didn’t ask the U.K. government to appeal a judge’s ruling allowing the WikiLeaks founder to be released on bail and that it was “confusing” why the British prosecutors decided to appeal. “The question is why did…

Assange as a curious and important British house guest

This is a fascinating tale reported in the UK Independent: For the past fortnight, Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has been at the centre of a global firestorm. Wanted by Interpol, by the Swedish police, even, briefly, by Scotland Yard, he has been called a terrorist and a revolutionary. Several leading American politicians and commentators…

Dud US view confirms Britain is equally blind

If the US thinks, according to the Wikileaks cables, that Britain has done a terrible job connecting with Muslims after the 7/7 attacks, how the hell is Washington viewed by the world when occupying Muslim lands and killing civilians on a daily basis? Seriously, our world is run by clueless clowns who think war will…

Assange speaks from British jail

The fight continues: The founder of WikiLeaks has issued a plea from jail for his supporters to keep fighting, accusing Visa, Mastercard and Paypal of being instruments of US foreign policy. In a world exclusive statement provided to the Sunshine Coast Daily via his Australian mother, Julian Assange said he was determined to fight for…

Watch Serco like hawks or face troubles in future

As more and more Western governments use the services of Serco – the British multinational with an unhealthy hold on prisons and detention centres – it’s worth remembering the gross human rights abuses under its watch. I just received this release: PRESS RELEASE: SERCO officers in Yarl’s Wood IRC, violent, racist, sexist & vindictive On…

Hands up if you helped the US invade Iraq?

I often write about the embedded mindset of many in the mainstream media. It’s a curse but a way for many journalists to stay close to power. Both parties are well served. John Pilger, whose new film is The War You Don’t See, writes that establishment networks such as the BBC are often no better…

Assange and Serco, quite a relationship

Great letter in today’s Crikey about the ubiquitous Serco and its merry jobs. How many ways can this company make a buck from misfortune? Michael R. James writes: To top off a frenetic 24 hour news cycle of the harassment of Julian Assange, nothing was quite as chilling as seeing him being ferried to a…

Don’t get creative legally over Assange

Yet more reasons why Julian Assange should not go to the US. A fair trial is impossible when the powers that be simply want to silence him. A political with-hunt is in season. Australia must do far more: One: The Justice Department, in considering whether and how it might indict Julian Assange, is looking beyond…

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