Canberra holds its nose and helps Assange a little

Well, bloody bravo: Kevin Rudd confirmed Australia was giving consular support to Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks who was arrested in Britain on Tuesday over alleged sexual assaults committed in Sweden. ”I’m the foreign minister of Australia, responsible for the consular well-being of all Australians and therefore I just want to make it…

New Assange op-ed in Aussie Murdoch paper

Julian Assange, before being arrested in London, wrote the following article for Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper. A curious choice of outlet considering the paper’s love of wars against, well, most Arab people, but there you go: In 1958 a young Rupert Murdoch, then owner and editor of Adelaide’s The News, wrote: “In the race between…

Ending the occupation by telling Israel there will be a price

About bloody time and this needs to be enforced. If Britain and the EU are serious about Zionist occupation (and that’s doubtful) they need to do something about it. No more excuses: Britain’s new shadow foreign minister has called for her government to pressure the European Union to introduce labelling on West Bank products to…

Rajapaksa learns something about how he’s seen in civilised society

So close and yet: Tamil campaigners were stopped from serving a war crimes arrest warrant on a Sri Lankan general by his premature departure from Britain. An application was lodged at Horseferry Road magistrates court, central London, but inquiries by Scotland Yard established that he had left on Thursday night. Tamil groups blame the president,…

Australia is in Afghanistan to support this?

Oh what a glorious war: Britain’s four-year military stewardship of the troubled Helmand province has been scorned by President Hamid Karzai, top Afghan officials and the US commander of Nato troops, according to secret US diplomatic cables. The dispatches expose a devastating contempt for the British failure to impose security and connect with ordinary Afghans.…

What’s a few cluster bombs between mates?

Another revelation to confirm our belief in the robust democratic beliefs of the US and Britain: British and American officials colluded in a plan to hoodwink parliament over a proposed ban on cluster bombs, the Guardian can disclose. According to leaked US embassy dispatches, David Miliband, who was Britain’s foreign secretary under Labour, approved the…

Rajapaksa needs to answer some questions…in the Hague

Make the man feel hunted until he faces justice: Lawyers working for Tamil activists are attempting to obtain a war crimes arrest warrant against Sri Lanka’s president and senior member of his entourage who have arrived in Britain. Mahinda Rajapaksa, whose government defeated the separatist Tamil Tigers last year amid humanitarian protests about the treatment…

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