Melanie Phillips loves to hate and Zionists cheer

When a Jewish bigot – loved by many in the Zionist Diaspora because she loathes Muslims and embraces apartheid Israel – is revealed as she really is: The Spectator and contributor Melanie Phillips today published an online apology to a prominent British Muslim they falsely accused of antisemitism. Today’s apology, published on the Spectator website,…

The global lure of Muslim resistance

Amazing reporting by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad in the UK Guardian: British-based men of Afghan origin are spending months at a time in Afghanistan fighting Nato forces before returning to the UK, the Guardian has learned. They also send money to the Taliban. A Taliban fighter in Dhani-Ghorri in northern Afghanistan last month told the Guardian he…

Inside the Serco British test-case

Just what is Serco doing at Britain’s Yarl’s Wood detention centre? The BBC investigates though does a pretty average job, only speaking to the Serco manager of the place. Maybe under-cover work would have brought far better results.

The greatest irony of Western policy

My following article appears today on the wonderful literary journal Overland’s website during its Subscriberthon: After the US mid-term elections, President Barack Obama is severely weakened by the rise of the Republicans. His unwillingness or inability to pursue true justice and peace in the Middle East will only be worsened. Indeed, GOP House Majority Leader…

Private sector muscles its way into managing Zionist occupation

Great letter from the UK Guardian on 20 November: So Israel vows to keep building homes in illegally occupied East Jerusalem (Report, 19 November). Today the British security corporation G4S and the French company Veolia, which collects waste for UK local authorities and universities, will stand accused of complicity in Israeli human rights violations. Israeli…

British Zionist figure says something truthful about Israel

The fact that people are shocked, just shocked, that a Jewish leader would speak honestly about the true state of Israel shows how utterly constipated is the debate over the Middle East in the Jewish Diaspora: One of British Jewry’s most senior leaders this week shattered a longstanding taboo by publicly criticising Israeli Prime Minister…

Privatising education in Britain (should not be the future and yet)

From the Times Higher Education supplement: No one is suggesting that Sir Michael or Sands put the interests of their employer, or former employer, first. But the Browne Review does symbolise and sanction an insidious aspect of the wider privatisation process, which brings into education-policy formation management consultancies whose policy fixes, although discussed as “improvements”…

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