Guardian book review of Disaster Capitalism

This book review by Owen Hatherley, of Disaster Capitalism,… was published in the Guardian Review last Saturday: At one telling moment in this unnerving and convincing book, Antony Loewenstein quotes the managing director of one of the many private military companies (“PMCs”) working in Afghanistan. The United States, says “Jack”, “is not capable of running empires”.…

Guardian event in London on the UN and its future

During my recent UK book tour for Disaster Capitalism, I spoke on a panel at the Guardian about the UN and its future as it turns 70: There are few global crises in the world today that do not pull in the UN in some way. Its security council still sets the terms of reference…

Talking about Disaster Capitalism in Britain

I was interviewed by Foyles, one of Britain’s best independent bookstores: Antony Loewenstein… is an award-winning independent journalist, documentary maker and blogger. He has written for, amongst others, the… BBC… and the… Washington Post, and writes a weekly column for the… Guardian. For… his most recent book,… Disaster Capitalism, he has travelled across the world to witness first hand the hidden world…

Britain's Novara Media TV interview on Disaster Capitalism

Novara Media is one of Britain’s most interesting new independent media outlets with a large reach (I was interviewed by its radio station recently). Here’s an online video interview on my new book, Disaster Capitalism, that tackles journalism, privatised immigration and democracy:

Rolling Stone interview about disaster capitalism

I’ve been interviewed by US Rolling Stone magazine by journalist Elisabeth Garber-Paul: Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein recently made the 30-hour trip from South Sudan to New York City after spending the better part of a year in the world’s newest nation, which he calls both “broken” and “a pretty fascinating place.” “It’s easily dismissed as…

London radio Novara FM on Disaster Capitalism

Yesterday I was interviewed in London by Aaron Bastani from Novara FM. Perceptive and curious, Novara Media is one of Britain’s most interesting and progressive media outlets. During the interview we spoke about my new book, Disaster Capitalism, the state of the media and funding investigative and independent journalism:

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