The real cost of outsourcing asylum seeker care is more pain

How unsurprising. Shocking cases of mistreatment in Britain’s detention system, most of which are run by private companies, such as Serco. But let’s not have a robust debate about whether multinationals should be managing people coming from torture and trauma: Millions of pounds in compensation is being paid to migrants who have been traumatised after…

The glories of New Labour (who liked some torture after supper)

Oh my: David Miliband gave MI6 the green light to proceed with intelligence-gathering operations in countries where there was a possible risk of terrorism suspects being tortured, the Guardian has learned. During the three years Miliband served as foreign secretary, MI6 always consulted him personally before embarking on what a source described as “any particularly…

Detaining children seems to be a Western speciality

While Australia detains hundreds of children in immigration detention, the situation in the UK is depressingly similar (also housed by private companies such as Serco): When David Cameron declared that his government would “end the incarceration of children for immigration purposes once and for all”, those familiar with the horror of it were cautiously optimistic.…

We weren’t in Iraq for the cheap booze?

Futility and criminality yet no accountability: British soldiers in Iraq were “dying for no strategic benefit” because Tony Blair’s government did not appreciate what it was taking on when it planned the invasion, Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, the chief of defence staff, has told MPs. There was a “failure of strategic thinking” in…

The joys of being under the Murdoch gun

Another day, another revelation of Murdoch shamelessness in Britain: Sienna Miller was today expected to become the latest public figure to join the legal assault on Scotland Yard and the News of the World over the phone-hacking scandal. Lawyers for the actor, whose private life has long been a tabloid staple, said she was ready…

British unions signal solidarity with the Palestinians

It seems that every few days sees a new BDS victory: Britain’s unions have thrown their weight behind a campaign of disinvestment and boycott from companies which are profiting from Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. Trade unions voted unanimously today at the TUC’s annual conference for a motion put forward by the Transport Salaried…

MSM regulation is above the pay scale of MPs?

Sigh: The Commons is not the place for the media to be on trial over phone-hacking allegations, the former chairman of the Press Complaints Commission has told followers on Twitter. MPs are too cowardly when it comes to tackling newspapers – and that empowers their editors, Sir Christopher Meyer said. Meyer, a former British ambassador…

Mandela knows about ethics and Blair has no idea

What a true statesman said about a war-monger: Nelson Mandela expressed fury to the British government over Britain’s decision to join with the Americans in invading Iraq, it emerged yesterday. The former South African president picked up the phone and called London to spell out his anger about the decision to join the US-led mission…

News of the World needs to learn what ethics are all about

Hello my name is Rupert and I make money from finding the mobile phone numbers of famous people: The News of the World paid a private detective to provide hundreds of pieces of confidential information, often using illegal means, a confidential document obtained by The Independent on Sunday has revealed. The “Blue Book”, a ledger…

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