Murdoch’s love of illegality in the pursuit of hacked calls

A stunning piece of investigative journalism by the New York Times on the News of the World in the UK and its sordid relationship with Scotland Yard: In November 2005, three senior aides to Britain’s royal family noticed odd things happening on their mobile phones. Messages they had never listened to were somehow appearing in…

Reporters embedded into the war architecture

Vaughan Smith, founder of London’s Frontline Club, writes that the process of embedding journalists in the military machine (especially in Afghanistan) is increasing the chances of the next war: So-called “embedding”, the term for the practice by which journalists have been allowed to accompany allied troops in the Iraq and Afghan wars, is not just…

British aid must now help those noble foreign policy goals

So does this mean that Britain, involved in countless covert and illegal conflicts across the world, will be dead keen to “aid” one side in a civil dispute or back militias against London’s “enemies”? The government is to introduce a wholesale change to Britain’s overseas aid budget by demanding that projects in the developing world…

The Tony and George love affair (aka why can’t we start more wars?)

Pass the bucket: Tony Blair’s forthcoming memoirs will read like a ‘love letter’ to George W Bush, insiders claim. The autobiography will praise the former U.S. president, with whom Mr Blair launched the controversial invasion of Iraq in 2003, as ‘highly intelligent’ and ‘visionary’. The former prime minister is wheeling out his wife Cherie and…

Hello merchant of death, can I please bribe you?

Can we dream of a world where the arms industry simply doesn’t exist? The close ties between the upper echelons of the Ministry of Defence and BAE Systems, Britain’s biggest arms company, have come under the spotlight after new documents showed how the multinational firm has regularly wined and dined mandarins and senior military officers.…

Tony Blair on the bloody couch

The latest brilliant Mark Steel column in the Independent that really needs no introduction: I should think when the British Legion appears at the International Court in The Hague, they’ll claim they had no idea the …£4.6m “gift” they received from warlord Mister Tony Blair was blood money from a criminal. “We just thought it…

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