How BDS becomes normalised

From the Guardian money blog: Every week a Guardian Money reader submits a question, and it’s up to you to help him or her out – a selection of the best answers will appear in next Saturday’s paper. This week’s question: A friend has been giving me a hard time after seeing Israeli fruit in…

Britain realises that Israel isn’t perfect and Zionists are shocked

The kind of debate over Palestine that seems almost impossible here in the US or Australia. Unthinking Zionism helps nobody but unthinking Zionists: David Cameron‘s forthright description of Gaza as a “prison camp” – and its implied criticism of Israel – has struck a chord with many Conservatives but infuriated some commentators. During a state…

Stealing people shows that we aren’t democracies at all

How many other countries, including Australia, have used rendition to deal with “terror” suspects? MI5 was directly involved in the rendition of a Moroccan national, illegally taken from a Belgian prison to work for Britain’s Security Services in London, an investigation by The Independent has discovered. The man, now aged 29 and who cannot be…

Where are the gay people on our TV?

Australian TV is shamefully lacking in non-white faces. Multicultural Australia is barely recognised. Britain has its own issues: Lesbian and gay people appear realistically and positively in just 0.6 per cent of most watched shows, according to new research by Stonewall. The study found that gay people are almost invisible on the 20 TV programme…

Why didn’t these people slam the Iraq war before it happened?

A litany of voices are now pouring out to claim the Iraq war was a mistake and a disaster. Would these same establishment figures be so honest if Iraq hadn’t become such a basket-case? British and U.S. intelligence had no credible evidence of a link between Saddam Hussein and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on…

Can we please have a grown-up conversation about Afghanistan?

So let me get this straight. Years of futile fighting, tens of thousands dead and now a realisation that the “enemy” must be engaged? The White House is revising its Afghanistan strategy to embrace the idea of negotiating with senior members of the Taliban through third parties – a policy to which it had previously…

British Jews can only imagine partition in the Middle East

Depressingly predictable results from British Jews. Unimaginative, ignorant of history, sold lies by their leadership and unable to see that the two-state solution will never happen. And then what? Deafening silence: The majority of British Jews favour a “two-state solution” to the situation in Israel, and more than half would support negotiations with Hamas, according…

Blair knew about rendition and embraced it

Following recent revelations in the Guardian about British complicity in torture post 9/11 – here’s a comprehensive map of what happened to whom – this story is getting closer to the centre of power: Tony Blair was aware of the …­existence of a secret interrogation policy which …­effectively led to British citizens, and others, being…

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