Britain shows a modicum of guts towards Israel (take note Australia)

Some Western countries, at least on the surface, don’t treat Israel as the woman they always want to bed: Britain has refused to allow Israel‘s Mossad secret service to send a representative back to the country’s London embassy following the row over the killing of a Hamas operative by agents using forged UK passports. Israel’s…

Isolating Iran is part of the “great energy game”

Here’s my interview with Foreign Policy Journal by Kourosh Ziabari: The Middle East is witness to continuous developments these days, such as Iran’s active diplomacy to attract the indispensable 118-member bloc of non-aligned countries to support its nuclear program, the growing isolation of Israel in European countries and within academic circles in the U.S., Arabs’…

Another example of Murdoch media manipulation (that failed)

The sheer awfulness of the Murdoch press. Quality journalism, indeed: Gillian Duffy, the Rochdale pensioner whom Gordon Brown described as “a sort of bigoted woman”, turned down the chance to make a small fortune from selling her story to The Sun because the newspaper wanted her to say things she did not believe. The offer…

Miliband deserves more than political punishment over Iraq

Britain’s Foreign Secretary David Miliband, in an interview with the Guardian, doesn’t seem to get it. Voters are angry with the major parties because of years of arrogance. And comments like these simply add insult to injury: I met some guy in Soho yesterday, when we were launching the Labour lesbian and gay manifesto. And…

Watch the Zionist gate-keepers, Nick Clegg

Here’s how corporate and Zionist smearing works. British Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg is surging in the polls and this makes the old hacks, who can only imagine a two-party reality, nervous. Besides, anybody that dares challenge Israel and the US is clearly beyond the pale. For the record, Clegg is hardly some radical (for…

Poor Murdoch clan, British public don’t take their cues from The Sun

Key lesson for the day. Rupert Murdoch and his minions don’t like being attacked (or not helping to select future leaders of a country. Real democrats): After a lifetime at the helm of the world’s most powerful media organisation and in the crosshairs of the left, Rupert Murdoch has, of necessity, developed a reasonably thick…

Not all politicians are in bed with Washington and Tel Aviv

What’s this? A senior Western politician questioning American and Israeli criminality? No wonder the political and media elites don’t like him and the public do. He speaks unspoken truths: Nick Clegg, the party leader dominating the British election campaign, has refused to rule out a push to be foreign secretary in a coalition government. And…

Murdoch cares for nothing more than being close to the big boys

Briton David Yelland, former editor of Murdoch’s Sun newspaper and now PR man, writes a very insightful column in the Guardian. A rare understanding of the Murdoch view of the world – namely, power at any cost with ideology a long way behind: I doubt if Rupert Murdoch watched the election debate last week. His…

Rudd government treats refugees as political footballs

Welcome to Australia, a Federal government that wants to be “tough” on asylum seekers, clearly makes policy on the run and is increasingly reminiscent of the previous Howard regime. Brutes. The only major party in Australia that makes humane sense is the Greens and people remember (look at the UK, where Liberal Democrat leader Nick…

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