Iran lectures the world about NPT responsibilities

A timely article by Iran’s foreign minister in the London Independent. It’s almost inconceivable that an Australian outlet would publish this, Tehran being “the enemy” and all: Despite the empty boasts of the US about the achievements of its Washington conference on nuclear disarmament, the world still faces the threat from tens of thousands of…

How the British want to “protect” citizens from online truths

Yet another example of why governments can’t be trusted to properly regulate/censor the internet. Their main goal will never be to provide maximum coverage but rather remove politically problematic material: The [British] government forced through the controversial digital economy bill with the aid of the Conservative party last night, attaining a crucial third reading –…

Britain welcomes war criminals with open arms

Back in February I wrote about the long list of war criminals who have found a home in Australia. Shamefully, it’s little different in Britain: Record numbers of alleged mass murderers and torturers have found safe haven in the UK, making this country one of the war criminal capitals of the world, it is claimed…

What some New Zealanders think about Israel

The following press release appears today: A campaign formed in Wellington to oppose the opening of an Israeli embassy says nobody would want the embassy as its neighbour. NIEW – No Israeli Embassy in Wellington – is a coalition set up to oppose Israel plans to open an embassy in Wellington for the first time…

Does the British government know the difference between Islam and Islamist?

Another example of a Western government (this time the British) seemingly incapable of understanding the nuance and shade in the non-Anglo world. How comforting to know that writing about Islam and being critical of the “war on terror” makes one a potential target for government intrusion: The UK Home Office last week released a study…

Please don’t drop our bombs on poor Palestinians

Perhaps, step by step, Western nations are realising Israel illegally uses their weapons against civilians: A group of British lawmakers are expected to call Tuesday for the reevaluation of arms deals with Israel after a recently published report claimed that British weapons were “almost certainly” used in Operation Cast Lead in December 2008, The Guardian…

Making Muslims dislike you even more

Yet another counter-productive and utterly clueless Western government program in the post 9/11 world: A key government policy on countering extremism in Britain has “stigmatised and alienated” Muslims and undermined community relations, a Commons report says today. Many Muslims told the cross-party committee of MPs that they believed the purpose of the Prevent programme was…

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