Letting go of America and being happy about it

Is it even conceivable that Australian politicians (or Israelis) would ever say this publicly? MPs today urged the government to adopt a more hard-headed approach towards the US and avoid the phrase “the special relationship” as Britain’s influence over America was likely to diminish. The 14-member cross-party foreign affairs committee said that the phrase coined…

Letter of the week

From today’s Australian: Britain is to be congratulated for expelling Israel’s ambassador to London. Australia should now expel Israel’s ambassador to Canberra. Further, the Israel embassy should be raided and searched by the AFP, the ADF and ASIS and any equipment used for criminal activity, like forging our passports, should be confiscated. Adrian Jackson, Middle…

JPost tells the world that Israel can do whatever the hell it wants

While some Western newspapers are upset that Israel acts with impunity, the Jerusalem Post claims in this editorial that the Jewish state has the right to act as it wants, even illegally, as it’s fighting the “war on terror” that all Western states are fighting. The last bit is true and hypocrisy is the name…

A little, almost token effort, to slap Israel over murdering people

Trouble in paradise: Britain has expelled Mossad’s most senior official in London after concluding there was compelling evidence that UK passports used by a hit squad in Dubai were cloned by Israel. The Independent has learnt that the documents were cloned at Ben Gurion airport, and officials then made follow-up calls to check surreptitiously that…

Tony Blair likes to link Middle East “peace” to blood for oil

Does anybody still respect Tony Blair? Tony Blair waged an extraordinary two-year battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multinational oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq. The former Prime Minister tried to keep the public in the dark over his dealings with South Korean oil firm UI Energy Corporation. Mr Blair…

Blair was dying to bomb the streets of Baghdad

How much more sordid can this tale become? Tony Blair‘s secret links to Gulf oil giants were revealed today as fresh details emerged of his “carte blanche” support for George Bush‘s Iraq war. The former prime minister has been in the pay of the Kuwaiti government and a South Korean oil firm for up to…

Being a Tamil Tiger does not preclude seeking asylum in the UK

A surprisingly progressive decision in Britain and a healthy precedent for other civil conflicts around the world: Members of a banned terrorist organisation can claim asylum in Britain, the Supreme Court has ruled. The court ruled that being a member of the Tamil Tigers, which has been designated as a terrorist organisation by the government,…

JNews is a Jewish-led news service

Just the latest concrete proposal to not allow hardline Zionists the only platform to be heard about the Middle East: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most destabilising conflicts in the world. Yet consumers of media receive confusing messages about what is happening in the region, who is responsible for the regular outbreaks of…

How “illegal” immigrants are held by the civilised West

The voices of refugees around the world deserve to be heard. Instead, demonisation seems order of the day. Britain: Torture survivors seeking sanctuary in Britain are being wrongly held in government detention centres, despite independent medical evidence supporting claims of brutal violence against them in their home countries. According to Home Office guidelines, in cases…

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