Miliband says Iraq war was a jolly important show of British strength

The Iraq war may have convinced other Arab dictatorships to not upset Washington and London, but seriously, the British elite is forced to defend the debacle like this? The Foreign Secretary told Sir John Chilcot’s inquiry into the war that Britain’s willingness to follow through on threats of military force had made some Arab governments…

The Iraq war was illegal and stayed that way

Oh: An invasion of Iraq was discussed within the Government more than two years before military action was taken – with Foreign Office mandarins warning that an invasion would be illegal, that it would claim “considerable casualties” and could lead to the breakdown of Iraq, The Independent can reveal.

Rupert cares about getting the story (ethics are often ignored)

Next time anybody talks about the inherent morality within the Murdoch empire, remind them of this: Rupert Murdoch‘s media giant News International could face a judicial inquiry after a highly critical parliamentary report today accuses senior executives at its top-selling newspaper of concealing the truth about the extent of illegal phone hacking by its journalists.…

Tamil independence will happen one day (with a nudge and a push)

Justice in Sri Lanka is a foreign commodity these days while the Tamil Diaspora are still longing for an independent homeland. This is an interesting move by Britain, a rare sign of actually standing up to dictatorships (unlike Australia, which seems more concerned with maintaining trade relations and ignoring human rights): Relations between Britain and…

The legacy of the war on terror (with a little help from torture)

A truly horrifying report from Britain about a man, Omar Deghayes, imprisoned for six years by the Americans, including at Guantanamo Bay, and never charged. He tells his story: It is not hot stabbing pain that Omar Deghayes remembers from the day a Guantánamo guard blinded him, but the cool sen…­sation of fingers being stabbed…

How many Western states helped Israel murder a citizen in Dubai?

The Dubai murder of a Hamas leader is getting juicier by the day. Palestinian defectors may well have been involved: A key security operative of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas was under arrest in Syria tonight on suspicion of having helped an alleged Israeli hit squad identify Mahmoud al-Mabhouh before he was assassinated in Dubai,…

How much did Britain know about the death of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh?

A curious addition by Robert Fisk to the murder of the Hamas commander in Dubai: It’s a propaganda war. Whoever killed the Hamas official in Dubai – let’s speak frankly – it’s part of an old, dirty war between the Israelis and the Palestinians in which they have been murdering their secret police antagonists for…

London and Washington, a study in a shameful relationship

Britain has been trying for years to keep secret evidence that it allowed torture against one of its own citizens. But what’s the real reason Gordon Brown worked so hard to keep Washington happy? Simon Jenkins in the Guardian explains: Britain believes that publishing details of what interrogators did to its residents would lead Washington…

How Britain, under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, defends torture

There are times when the Western state is exposed as outright liars. The case of tortured British citizen Binyam Mohamed is a case in point. The details are astounding. Senior government officials, intelligence services and ministers all lied. We really shouldn’t be surprised. “Never believe anything until it’s been officially denied“, once wrote Claud Cockburn.…

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