WMDs didn’t really matter in Iraq after all, says Tony Blair

The Iraq war remains highly controversial and the country itself is mired in turmoil. Not to worry, now argues Tony Blair, Britain simply had to invade the country for purely human rights reasons: Tony Blair has said he would have invaded Iraq even without evidence of weapons of mass destruction and would have found a…

Jewish settlements are becoming Israel’s serious problem

Two pieces of news this week that signal growing global outrage over Israel’s colonisation program. First, in Germany: Twenty-four former German ambassadors urged the German government to take a harder position against Israel and to rethink its Middle East policy. In letters sent to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, they ask…

The “surge” myth in Iraq and Afghanistan are folly

Veteran journalist Patrick Cockburn, a reporter unafraid to challenge accepted wisdom over Western-led wars, dooms Barack Obama’s plans for Afghanistan: American and British exponents of a military escalation or ”˜the surge’ in Afghanistan opportunistically expound two wholly contradictory views of Taliban strength. At one moment they are a movement of immense power on the verge…

Not all Jews want never-ending war against Gaza

Congratulations to these Jewish brothers and sisters standing up for human rights, not simply Zionist loyalty: British Zionist activists reacted on Tuesday with “bemusement” to a letter cosigned by hundreds of pro-Palestinian Jewish compatriots urging Gordon Brown to adopt the Goldstone Report, which accuses Israel of committing war crimes during its operation last winter in…

The Jakarta Post: Changing people’s perceptions about Jews

The following feature by Desy Nurhayati appears in yesterday’s Jakarta Post: His recent visit to Aceh made Antony Loewenstein the first Jew that most people in the country’s devoutly Muslim province had ever met or engaged with. Some Acehnese he met were surprised to learn that the Jewish-Australian journalist, author of the controversial and best-selling…

Hatred of Muslims appeals across party lines in the UK

Who says a racist party can’t expand its base? One can imagine the kind of people dying to sign-up: An elderly Sikh who describes Islam as a “beast” and once provided a character reference for Nick Griffin during his racial hatred trial is set to become the British National Party’s first non-white member. Rajinder Singh,…

Take cover when tackling Jewish power

The New Statesman’s Peter Wilby on this week’s Channel 4 documentary about Zionist power in Britain: The journalist Peter Oborne is a brave man. The inevitable accusations of anti-Semitism are already flying around after his Channel 4 programme on Britain’s pro-Israel lobby. Given 20th-century history, anti-Semitism is just about the most damaging epithet that can…

Jordan is happy to be used as a place where terror is trained

“The war on terror” is all about keeping our bastards on a short leash in an attempt to get them to abuse/kill/detain the pre-determined enemy. So simple and yet so costly: In the bleak and seemingly endless desert expanse that unfolds east of Jordan’s capital city, Amman, lies a crucial cog in the ambitious regional…

How much do we really know about Zionist influence on British elites?

The entire Channel 4 Dispatches investigation of the Zionist lobby’s influence on British politics. This Guardian piece sums up the desperate need to fully uncover the role of Likud extremism on the democratic system: Every year a very grand lunch is given by the Conservative Friends of Israel at a central London hotel. Anyone who…

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