Zionist lobby in the UK? Perish the thought

Britain’s Channel 4 documentary on the Zionist lobby there faces the inevitable smears from groups that have a lot to hide (and prefer to operate through intimidation): Labor MP Denis MacShane, who chaired the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism and is the author of Globalizing Hatred: the New Anti-Semitism, questioned the existence of such a…

Britain’s Channel 4 looks into the reach of the Zionist lobby

Can you imagine a leading current affairs program in the US or Australia investigating the tentacles of the Zionist lobby? Hardly: Pro-Israeli organisations in Britain look set to see their influence increase if the Conservatives win the next election, a film scrutinising the activities of a powerful but little-known lobby warns today. At least half…

Exclusive translation: Balfour still echoes in 2009

The Balfour Declaration still resonates all these years later. The following article – published in Le Monde Diplomatique in November by Alain Gresh, archived here, and translated exclusively for this site by Sydney-based Evan Jones – provides a revealing context to the current conflict. History is a living and breathing beast. We are yet to…

The war in Afghanistan will cause hatred against us

Like in so many other conflicts around the world, the general public is usually far savvier than the political and media elite. The population largely don’t want war; sadly, our system is largely set up to encourage and defend foreign, military adventures. After all, who is getting killed in these wars (apart from civilians)? Us,…

Doctors may infiltrate the minds of anti-Semites?

There may come a point in the near future when Zionist organisations don’t try and stop events that feature alternative views. Until that happens, we have here yet another ugly spectacle of Zionist censorship (via Muzzlewatch): Two lectures by Israeli-based charity Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I) were cancelled after a Zionist organisation told hospitals holding…

Will Iran be tolerated as a regional power?

Founder of Conflicts Forum Alastair Crooke on the real challenge Iran poses to the world order: It was pure drama: The leaders of the United States, Britain, and France stepped onto the stage at the Pittsburgh Group of 20 meeting recently to unveil Western intelligence that showed that Iran had a second nuclear fuel enrichment…

Israeli officers will be chased worldwide without sleep

One of the main reasons to support a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel is that the Jewish state, through its constantly illegal actions, cannot be seen globally as a “normal” state (a point made yet again by Sydney University’s Jake Lynch in his weekly column). Occupying Palestine must be a punishable offence. This…

When exposing government is a national service

Wikileaks, a fine website with a history of exposing documents the powerful would rather keep hidden, has released this: This significant, previously unpublished document (classified “RESTRICTED”, 2389 pages), is the UK military protocol for security operations, including counter-intelligence. The document includes instructions on dealing with leaks, investigative journalists, Parliamentarians, foreign agents, terrorists & criminals, sexual…

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