Perhaps it’s time to switch off the Saudi oil pump

Brutality and censorship in Saudi Arabia is legendary. This news is therefore unsurprising: A Saudi Arabian princess who had an illegitimate child with a British man has secretly been granted asylum in this country after she claimed she would face the death penalty if she were forced to return home. The young woman, who has…

More information should be accessible

Last week the London Guardian reported on the Murdoch press in the UK delving into the secrets of countless celebrities and public figures. Wikileaks challenges the mainstream response: The News of the World didn’t go far enough. Earlier this year, WikiLeaks released 86 telephone recordings of corrupt Peruvian politicians and businessmen. The revelations became the…

The real Bruno stands up

I’ve written before about the comedy of Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat and Bruno) and his use and abuse of Jewish traits. In this interview with David Letterman he comments on visiting the West Bank to meet a “terrorist” for his latest work:

Jews only, please

The London Guardian reports on a sad tale of Jewish exclusivity and wanting to maintain the ghetto: The Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, issued a rallying cry for Jews today to defend their schools from English law after the court of appeal decided that admission on the basis of a parent’s Jewish status was discriminatory.…

The criminal known as Tony B

Next step we hear anything about Tony Blair – such as his latest bleating regarding the chances of achieving Middle East peace “within the year” – remember this: Tony Blair was aware of the …­existence of a secret interrogation policy which …­effectively led to British citizens, and others, being …­tortured during …­counter-terrorism investigations, the Guardian…

Killing Arabs is the way to promotion

The UK Independent reports on the not-too-subtle ways in which hardline Zionist policies are perpetuated in the West: Raised eyebrows in the UK Foreign Office, following the Prime Minister’s “creative” reshuffle, over the appointment of Ivan Lewis as Foreign Office Minister with responsibility for the Middle East. Lewis has a long history of interest in…

They won’t wait for political action

While the Obama administration wonders how to pressure Israel to cease settlement building – how about withdrawing the billions of dollars in annual aid? – concerned citizens are taking a stand: Britain’s main academic union voted overwhelmingly to boycott Israeli universities and colleges. The University and College Union passed the boycott resolution at its annual…

If they renounce violence, when will you?

Interesting analysis from the MEC Analytical Group about Britain, Hamas and Hizbollah: There are indications of some flexibility in British policy towards Hamas and Hizbullah. On 21 May the Foreign Secretary David Miliband made a speech at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (text here) in which he called for “a coalition of consent” between…

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