Who says we’re better than autocracy?

How many more cases of Western-approved torture before we accept our complicity in the dark arts? The home secretary Jacqui Smith faces legal action over allegations that MI5 agents colluded in the torture of a British former civil servant by Bangladeshi intelligence officers. Lawyers for the British man, Jamil Rahman, are to file a damages…

In a galaxy far away

Life in the old media 25 years ago: How did readers know what to think in 1984? Once you get over the minuscule, blurred pictures and the lack of colour, the first thing that strikes you about the newspapers of that year is the paucity of opinionated columnists… On the broadsheets particularly, width of coverage…

When every Arab is quiet, they’ll be happy

BBC reporter Jeremy Bowen was recently censured by the BBC Trust for “biased” reporting on the Middle East. It was just another attempt by the Zionist lobby to silence any criticism of Israel. And it will fail. But, argues British broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby, the costs could be great: Dimbleby said that Zionist publications, lobby groups…

Another failed war on terror hit

The massive crisis in Sri Lanka is starting to get some media traction (and discussion about Western complicity, especially Britain and its arms sales). Too many journalists and nations still regard the onslaught against the Tamils as part of the “war on terror“. Big mistake. John Pilger tackles the subject calmly and offers a necessary…

Just a bit of the old war on terror behaviour

The actions of a rogue state? God no, wonderfully democratic Britain: MI5 secretly tried to hire British men held in Guantanamo Bay and other US prison camps by promising to protect them from their American captors and help secure their return home to the United Kingdom, The Independent has learnt. One of the men, Richard…

Oh well, no harm done

The former deputy head of MI6 now says that Britain was “dragged into a war in Iraq which was always against our better judgment.” Better late than never. The official British position, however, remains hilariously delusional.

Another WOT “victim”

Many nations followed the US lead and conducted their own “war on terror”. Take Sri Lanka. This release on the country’s Defence Ministry website about the recent visit of British Foreign Secretary David Milliband is about as compelling as North Korean PR: The Defence Secretary said it was up to the British delegation to decide…

Shunning the Zionist abusers

Yes: The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office must be commended for its decision to cancel renting premises for the UK embassy in Tel Aviv from the company Africa-Israel, owned by Israeli businessman and settlement builder Lev Leviev. This is an encouraging step that should now be backed by stronger sanctions against the building of the…

Palestine matters, but not alone

Why, asks Geoffrey Alderman in the Guardian, isn’t the carnage in Sri Lanka receiving blanket coverage in the UK and internationally? I’ll tell you why. Because Sri Lanka is not Israel. Because the Tamils are not Arabs. And because here, in the UK, the Tamil vote is negligible whereas the Muslim vote is not. Yes,…

Is Zionism really racism?

During last week’s Durban II conference, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a speech that some in the West regarded as outrageous and others as merely representing public opinion in much of the world (personally speaking, I think it harmed the Palestinian cause no end). This clip from the BBC is startling for its honest questioning…

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