Don’t read satire

Why the “war on terror” is a fraud, part 7532: A British ”˜resident’ held at Guantanamo Bay was identified as a terrorist after confessing he had visited a ”˜joke’ website on how to build a nuclear weapon, it was revealed last night. Binyam Mohamed, a former UK asylum seeker, admitted to having read the ”˜instructions’…

You will pay a price for occupation

With evidence that the Western powers, including Obama’s America, are unlikely to change their decades-old racist attitude towards the Middle East – embracing “moderates” such as Egypt, ignoring Hamas etc – peaceful revolt against Israel is growing: They are the iPod generation of students: politically apathetic, absorbed by selfish consumerism, dedicated to a few years…

Some unspoken rules

Medialens, February 4: Consider, for example, that it is an unwritten rule of corporate reporting that very ugly motives cannot be imputed to our government or its leading allies. They may err and blunder, but it is unthinkable that they would kill thousands, or millions, of people because it was in the best interests of…

Keep running and running

Our responsibility is to make life as difficult as possible for Israelis suspected in war crimes against the Palestinians. Nowhere should be safe for them. Example one: An Israeli colonel involved in Operation Cast Lead returned to Israel in haste on Friday, fearing arrest on charges of war crimes during a visit to the UK.…

Get ready for some predictable terrorism

Government efforts to prevent the radicalisation of British Muslims have been set back by Israel’s assault on Gaza, the security and counter-terrorism minister, Lord West of Spithead, announced yesterday. In an outspoken assessment of the terror risk facing Britain, Gordon Brown’s security adviser was scathing about the assertion, made by Tony Blair when prime minister,…

Just don’t upset the Jews

BBC management may be scared of the Zionist lobby, but many staff are not: Last night (25 January), saw our inspiring occupation of the BBC in Glasgow in protest at their decision not to air the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal on behalf of Gaza. We simply managed to walk in to the lobby of this…

Killing comes with a price

Israel’s latest war against the Palestinian people will resonate for years to come. Here’s just two recent developments: Oxford City Council endorses boycotting Israeli products and companies. Montreal: call for academic boycott of Israel.

Run for your lives, terror lovers

Yet another amazing Murdoch scoop (no doubt fed to the eager reporter by a happy British “defense” official): Anti-terror bosses last night hailed their latest ally in the war on terror — the Black Death. At least 40 al-Qaeda fanatics died horribly after being struck down with the disease that devastated Europe in the Middle…

Just don’t slam Zionist crimes

Militant Zionism is the most peaceful ideology on the planet. Or not: British Jews have been attacked for expressing support for Palestinians suffering under Israeli military strikes in Gaza. Police confirmed yesterday that they have provided protection to a number of people believed to be victims of UK-based Zionist extremists angered by expressions of solidarity…

And Israel gains what from this?

British MPs yesterday lined up to give their strongest condemnation yet of Israel’s actions in Gaza, branding Ehud Olmert’s government “mass murderers” and calling for the country to face sanctions. David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, faced cross-party demands for Israel’s ambassador to be expelled from London and for Britain to recall its representative from Tel…

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