Is this future of our society?

A key Wikileaks editorial: British courts continue to disgrace Enlightenment values. This month saw a secret UK court hearing, with secret participants, produce a secret order to secretly gag the population, the terms of which are secret and the revelation of which is punishable by upto 15 years of imprisonment. How many of these orders…

The colonial cancer

Is Britain starting to grow a backbone against Zionist intimidation? Britain’s envoy to the Middle East on Monday said the United Kingdom would continue its fight against West Bank settlements, but would not mount a broader divestment campaign. “This isn’t about boycotting Israel. The settlements are not Israel,” said Bill Rammell. He made the comments…

Illegality hits home

The British government is stepping up measures against settlements in the West Bank in an effort to stop their further expansion. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently instructed the Foreign Office to issue a warning to British citizens against the purchase of houses and real estate in the settlements.

The West has no memory

A British diplomat in Baghdad: We are in the thick of violent agitation and we feel anxious”¦ the underlying thought is out with the infidel. The country between Diwaniyah and Samawah is abandoned to disorder. We haven’t troops enough to tackle it at present. There’s no getting out of the conclusion that we have made…

If the end comes

According to Whitehall historian Peter Hennessey, captains of Trident missile submarines are instructed that if they lose all communication with the UK, and Radio 4’s Today programme is not broadcast for three days, they may assume the home country has been wiped out and open their instructions for Armageddon.

Line them up in the dock

One of Britain’s most authoritative judicial figures last night delivered a blistering attack on the invasion of Iraq, describing it as a serious violation of international law, and accusing Britain and the US of acting like a “world vigilante”.

China comes to England

Get ready for Big Brother in the “democratic” West: Ministers are considering spending up to …£12 billion on a database to monitor and store the internet browsing habits, e-mail and telephone records of everyone in Britain.

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