Terrorists may only strike if Democrats win

The Bush administration using terror as a political weapon? Perish the thought: In his new book, the first Homeland Security chief, Tom Ridge, accuses top aides to President George W. Bush of pressing him to raise the terror alert level to influence the 2004 presidential election.

The kind of torturing Obama can believe in

Rendition – the act of nabbing somebody in one country and illegally transporting them to another – started long before the Bush administration. But now, a specific allegation in the days of Barack Obama. Scott Horton reports: Raymond Azar, a 45-year-old Lebanese construction manager with a grade school education, is employed by Sima International, a…

A perfect way to launch a war against Islam

I’ve written many times about the military contractor Blackwater (now known as Xe Services). Their connection to the Bush administration was deep and utterly lacking in transparency. American journalist Jeremy Scahill has led the charge. Scahill’s latest article in the Nation is devastating: A former Blackwater employee and an ex-US Marine who has worked as…

Can we show you how to crush balls?

Dictators, writes Andrew Sullivan, Washington is your friend: There isn’t a tyrant anywhere who isn’t more legitimate today because of Dick Cheney’s adoption of torture as an American value.

Bring Bush back

A former worker in the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, Gregory Levey, suggests that the Obama administration appoint George W. Bush as his Middle East envoy to pressure and cajole Israel. Clearly Levey has never spoken to any Arabs in the Middle East; Bush isn’t the most liked individual.

Stand on your own feet

Israel clearly doesn’t like being pressured to change its behaviour, despite sucking on the tit of Washington: Israel alone in a poll of 25 nations has decreased its approval of the United States since President Barack Obama took office earlier this year, according to a recent survey. “The image of the United States has improved…

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