The war on terror started well before 9/11

Jeremy Scahill reminds us that illegality crosses both sides of the US political divide: Members of Congress have expressed outrage over the “secret” CIA assassination program that former vice president Dick Cheney allegedly ordered concealed from Congress. But this program — and the media descriptions of it — sounds a lot like the assassination policy…

The seducing power of powerlessness

Tony Karon reminds us that America can stop any Israeli attack on Iran. If it does not, Obama will have blood on his hands and credibility as low as George W. Bush: The idea that the U.S. can do nothing to stop Israel from attacking Iran, without provocation, in violation of international law and norms,…

Ignore this Palestinian at your peril

Palestinian-American Ali Abunimah, who I interviewed last year, writes about the Hamas leader’s recent speech regarding his vision for the Middle East: Meshal welcomed a “change of tone” from President Obama but emphasized repeatedly that only a change of policy would matter. He nevertheless claimed the new tone as the fruit of the “stubborn steadfastness…

Obama is like Bush, only cuter

I share Jewish blogger Richard Silverstein’s anger: I cannot believe what I’ve just read in the N.Y. Times. Joe Biden, in what appears to be either one of his monumental off the cuff gaffes; or else a major change in Obama administration policy–gave Israel a green light to attack Iran.

The occupation, day 76532

The separate May meetings in Washington between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signalled an undoubted shift from the Bush administration. Obama is reportedly examining ways he can pressure Israel to cease all settlement building in the West Bank, a reality that radically upsets the Zionist…

The luxury of distance and money

Sometimes, Jewish blogger Richard Silverstein nails it: Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr. spoke in Canada yesterday, each earning more than $150K for the gig. Frankly, I can’t imagine anyone possessing enough wisdom to be worth paying such a sum to them for dispensing it. But I guess enough people are star struck that they…

When having an enemy is far more important

Axil of Evil, indeed: Iran supplied U.S. diplomats with the location of Taliban military units in Afghanistan after the initial bombing campaign… in the fall of 2001… failed to rout them, according to former officials in the George W. Bush administration.

What’s a few illegal wars here and there?

Zionist stenographer Jeffrey Goldberg tries to reassure a worried world: If Israel does strike Iran, it would bomb military targets while trying to minimize civilian casualties. Goldberg backed the US-led invasion of Iraq. His predictions then were almost criminally inaccurate.

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