And they wonder why they lost

A fascinating story in GQ magazine about the incompetence and arrogance of Donald Rumsfeld. An excerpt: Shortly before the Iraq invasion, King Abdullah II of Jordan decreed that warplanes could not overfly his country if they had previously flown over Israel. The king’s demand meant that U.S. fighters would need to make a multiple-hour detour…

Fear in the lobby

My latest column for New Matilda is about the Zionist lobby and its hopefully stunted plans for the Middle East: Public and private noises from the Obama administration have the Israel lobby spooked. Now they’re getting ready for the fight of their lives, writes Antony Loewenstein Last week in Washington 7000 delegates from America’s most…

Another WOT “victim”

Many nations followed the US lead and conducted their own “war on terror”. Take Sri Lanka. This release on the country’s Defence Ministry website about the recent visit of British Foreign Secretary David Milliband is about as compelling as North Korean PR: The Defence Secretary said it was up to the British delegation to decide…

Don’t wait for the Yanks

The Palestinian Authority simply doesn’t seem to understand that Washington and Israel aren’t serious about peace. Case for the prosecution: Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestinian Authority official and a chief negotiator of the Annapolis peace talks , told Israel Radio today that: In December 2008 PA Chairman Abu Mazen submitted to US President George Bush…

Look over there, distraction time

When torture is but an after-thought: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c A Brief History of Torture Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor

Imagine if “they” did it to “us”

According to conservative fanatic Michelle Malkin, it’s “left-wing extremism” to “wail about torture and indulge in Cheney Derangement Syndrome.” Yes, calling for accountability against torture is “extremism”:

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