Popping off some enemies

American investigator reporter Seymour Hersh drops a bombshell. America, land of the sanctioned killers? “Right now, today, there was a story in the New York Times that if you read it carefully mentioned something known as the Joint Special Operations Command — JSOC it’s called. It is a special wing of our special operations community…

Jews who crave torture

Chuck Schumer, The Democratic Senator, was a key supporter of even the most radical Bush appointees, and then led the way in sinking an Obama appointee who made “statements against Israel.” Salon’s Glenn Greenwald examines the ways in which Democrats are often equally blinded by their Israel love as Republican opponents (and the blogger kindly…

A refreshing Jewish voice

Israeli/American peace activist Jeff Halper – currently in Australia on a national tour – appeared tonight on leading ABC Radio’s current affairs program, PM: MARK COLVIN: Middle East peace negotiations are in something of a holding pattern at the moment, as Binyamin Netanyahu tries to form a government in Israel, and Barack Obama and Hillary…

Stay home Hillary, if that’s all you got

My latest New Matilda column is about the Obama administration’s first foray into the Middle East: On Palestine it’s hard to tell the difference between Obama and Bush. But while the US and Israel block progress, there are small signs of movement, writes Antony Loewenstein The number of people who believe in the two-state solution…

The cry of the innocent

The following list (also see Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4) is the culmination of a three-year project to record the stories of all the prisoners held at the US prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

The necessity of despots

The sale of doormats featuring the Star of David, enabling Syrians to express their anger with Israel every time they enter or leave their homes, went up in Damascus during the Gaza war. But Syria – despite its brutality towards its own people – is about to be brought in from the cold. And President…

Can we skin them alive and watch?

“War on terror” soldiers, fight to keep Guantanamo Bay open: Why? Just ask one of the organisers of the above TV ad: Closing Gitmo is just plain wrong. It is a slander against the professionalism of our troops at Gitmo who are guarding some of the most evil monsters running around this rock we call…

Roll up for a fun show

War criminals, you have a future…in the entertainment business, convincing punters that your previous acts of endorsing mass killing was actually just a little bit of harmless fun: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has signed with the William Morris Agency, which describes itself as a “diversified talent and literary agency,” with “clients in all…

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