It’s not always about Tehran

Trita Parsi, one of the finest writers on Iran’s relationship with America, counters Zionist propaganda that blames Iran for being the secret hand behind the behaviour of Hamas: In talking about the assault on Gaza, neo-conservative pundits and Israeli hardliners have relied on a familiar frame. The fighting in Gaza, they say, is a struggle…

Please never return to public life

George W. Bush, a man we’ll soon miss so very much: The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Six Days Seven Nights Barack Obama InterviewJohn McCain Interview Sarah Palin VideoFunny Election Video

Crush them, kill them

Zionist mouthpiece Daniel Pipes argues that Israel’s leadership is “disastrous.” Why? Because they haven’t bombed Iran: The waning days of the Bush administration, with the current president nearly out the door and the president-elect yet in the wings, offers a unique moment to take care of business. Why did Olmert squander this opportunity to confront…

Just wait til Obama takes over

America’s leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, is furious that the Bush administration did not veto Security Council Resolution 1860 which calls for an immediate ceasefire. The group are not pro-Israel; they’re lovers of war.

Australian writer: Israel is a child that won’t grow!

My following interview, published in the Tehran Times, is now available online. Aside from an excessively flowery introduction, my comments are exactly as I sent them: Amidst the harrowing blitz of Zionist arsenals on the defenseless civilians of Gaza and under the heart-rending silence of international community, UN officials, Western powers and Arab leaders who…

The lobby still has long legs

Leading Jewish blogger Phil Weiss thinks the current Gaza strikes will “help end the Israel lobby“: It’s just a theory, and yes I’m an optimist. But the grotesque events in Gaza rise above, well, the previous grotesque events in Gaza. And here is the great Glenn Greenwald attacking Marty Peretz for his disgusting rationalization of…

The policy on Israel

My following article is published in Dawn, Pakistan’s leading English-language newspaper: During this year’s US presidential campaign, both Republican nominee John McCain and Democratic contender Barack Obama expressed unwavering support for Israel. It was the only country in the world that required constant loyalty tests. Obama told the leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, that he would…

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