Squandering 9/11

Chris Toensing, Bitterlemons International, September 11: Bob Woodward’s four books chronicling the wars of President George W. Bush are sensitive barometers of conventional wisdom in Washington. Whereas the first volume, published in 2002 at the height of the self-righteous nationalism gripping the capital after the September 11, 2001 attacks, hailed Bush’s self-confidence in acting to…

Please attack us again, I beg you

The Bush administration continues its love of that sunny day in September, 2001: Busy dealing with important paperwork and other vice presidential duties in recent weeks, Dick Cheney was forced to put off until the last minute a cherished annual tradition: gift-shopping for his favorite holiday, 9/11. “I looked at the calendar yesterday, and I…


Wall-E is the wonderful new film from Pixar Studios. Tonight I was lucky enough in Sydney to see a sneak preview with the director and voice of the main characters. It tells the story of two robots who fall in love in a world far into the future. If this sounds like an unlikely premise…

The rise and rise of humane Judaism

One of the only positive legacies of the Bush years has been the rise in Jewish voices of dissent in the mainstream. Sure, Diaspora dissent has existed for decades but rarely as loudly and influential as today. Inspirations and friends such as Tony Karon and Phil Weiss in the US, Brit Tony Judt and Independent…

Vote 1: militant Zionism

My latest New Matilda column is about the political realities in Israel and Palestine: Antony Loewenstein looks behind the pre-election rhetoric in Israel and says the lack of a real difference between the front-runners means deeper trouble ahead for both Israel and Palestine Israel is currently in political limbo. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s leadership of…

The biggest lie of all

How is this not front page news across the world? Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery.

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