The friends who help

Jeremy Scahill, The Guardian, July 23: It seems that executives from Blackwater Worldwide, the Bush administration’s favourite hired guns in Iraq and Afghanistan, are threatening to pack up their M4 assault rifles, CS gas and Little Bird helicopters and go back to the great dismal swamp of North Carolina whence they came. Or at least…

Welcome to the new America

New Yorker journalist and author Jane Mayer, Democracy Now!, July 18: Well, as we all know, September 11th was a sea change. Everybody says everything changed after that. And it did, but I think one of the most important changes that the country hasn’t really thought about is America became a country that, for the…

Stealing their youth

As a video emerges of a child being interrogated at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, the moral and legal bankruptcy of the “war on terror” is clearer by the day:

Looks like the Zionists are a little late

Tony Karon, The National, July 12: Despite all the posturing, Israel, for reasons both political and technical, can’t attack Iran without US permission; the US, meanwhile, remains unlikely to give that permission, or do the job itself. Among the reasons: ”¢Iran’s facilities are too dispersed and hardened to be sure that air strikes – which…

Becoming like Serbia

It is surely beyond time for the American government to be held accountable for its use of torture in the “war on terror”:

Who’s looking bad now?

My friend Mike Otterman, author of American Torture, writes for the Guardian Comment is Free in response to Christopher Hitchens’ piece in Vanity Fair claiming water-boarding is torture…yet suggesting America is somehow not as bad as those repressive regimes…who also use torture: Now, neoconservative pundit Christopher Hitchens has waded into the debate. In a new…

Iran is the target

The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh examines the Bush administration’s desire to deal militarily with Iran. That’s quite a “legacy” for George W. Bush.

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