Don’t even hug them

Those poor neo-conservatives hate being blamed for the failure of the Iraq war. They want sympathy and a fair hearing. We shouldn’t give it to them.

An all-too-real Iraq

Juan Cole, Informed Comment, June 22: American television loves natural disasters. The Burmese cyclones that may have carried off as many as 200,000 people offered the cameras high drama. The floods in Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri along the Mississippi River, which have wiped out thousands of homes, have been carefully detailed hour by hour. But…

The next chapter of Salam Pax

Years after Salam Pax, aka The Baghdad Blogger, became world famous for writing about life under Saddam and the American invasion, he’s now living in London, studying journalism and helping to launch new online initiative, Mind the Globe. Here’s his post from late May: You want to know why Muqtada is so popular? Look at…

Weapons for cuddling

$34 billion is being spent in 2009 on the Pentagon’s classified weapons purchases and development. Something to make you sleep well at night.

This is what war does to a man

A US Marine emails blogger Andrew Sullivan about the use of torture in Iraq – he claims he never saw Americans do it but Iraqi troops was a different story altogether – and his feelings towards the occupied nation: To tell you the absolute truth, I had many moments in Iraq when I could see…

Victory still a few days away

The face of Iraq, a country devastated by war: A half-million Iraqis fled their embattled country in 2007, the third consecutive year more Iraqis were displaced than any other nationality, a survey of the world’s refugees reported Thursday. As before, most went to neighboring Syria, and some fanned out into other neighboring countries, the survey…

Let the fun times roll

The Decider speaks: On Sept. 11, 2001, we as a nation faced a difficult decision, an important decision, a decision between what was fun and what was wrong. We could have backed down and allowed the terrorists to win. But instead, we stood up to the challenge before us, and we said, ‘Bring it on—bring…

No End in Sight film

Last night at the Sydney Film Festival I watched the Oscar-nominated documentary, No End in Sight. It tells the devastating story of Iraq’s descent into chaos, as told by the some of the key insiders from the Pentagon, State Department, mainstream media and Bush administration. Although at times it appears to be suggesting that the…

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