Hope (in the form of freedom bombs)

Raw Story provides necessary context to the latest missive from US Vice President Dick Cheney: George W. Bush has made the world a more hopeful place. This from Vice President Dick Cheney, who spoke to a crowd of Oklahoma Republicans Friday evening. “When the history is written, it will be said this is a safer…

American tax dollars at work

Corpwatch reveals why the the American mission in Iraq is going so swimmingly: When U.S. troops or embassy officials want to track and investigate Iraqis — such as interrogating prisoners accused of terrorism, doing background checks on potential employees, or even to chat with ordinary citizens on the street — the principal intermediary is a…

Gee, we were brilliant

Paul Wolfowitz, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, clarifies some “misconceptions” about the Iraq war: The fact is, however, that we did end up with an occupation authority for a full nine months, and I’m afraid that the label occupation sticks to us even to this day, although the occupation ended in June of 2004.…

The Iraq war gift

Stephen Kinzer, Guardian Comment is Free, April 23: Trying to figure out who won the Iraq war is a challenging parlour game. Nearly every faction, group and nation has lost. The only evident victors are Iran, the Kurds and a handful of giant American corporations. It is slowly becoming clear, however, that there is another…

Israel meet Iraq

US Vice President Dick Cheney issues a typically bellicose pronouncement about the “war on terror”: An ideological struggle is underway and in that struggle we can be confident we are doing the right thing. We are confronting the violence, protecting the innocent, liberating the oppressed, and aiding the rise of freedom and democracy as America…

How can we sell your botched war?

The New York Times features a stunning report in today’s edition, on the Pentagon’s manipulation of information about the “war on terror”: In the summer of 2005, the Bush administration confronted a fresh wave of criticism over Guantánamo Bay. The detention center had just been branded “the gulag of our times” by Amnesty International, there…

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