Israeli lawbreakers

Finally, the evidence that categorically proves Israel’s colonial project in the occupied territories is illegal, even under Israeli law: More than one-third of West Bank settlements were built on private Palestinian land that was temporarily seized by military order for “security purposes,” according to a report by the Civil Administration that is being published here…

Taxi to reality

Australian New York based documentary producer Eva Orner, discussing her recently Oscar-nominated film Taxi to the Dark Side about the “war on terror” and torture: It’s really important that we’ve made a film basically suggesting that [the Administration] are a bunch of war criminals and that they should be accountable. What they’ve done is outrageous.…

Defining friendship in a strange way

More than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly in collaboration with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, this according to an exclusive report in The Progressive magazine.

The day after next

Dahr Jamail, The Nation, February 8, on the likely effects of a US withdrawal from Iraq: We have a specific example of what would likely happen throughout Iraq if the US were to withdraw completely. When the Brits recently pulled out of their last base in Basra City late last year, The Independent reported that…

How to torture, the American way

A new analysis by NBC News reveals that more than a quarter of all footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report refer to controversial interrogation techniques. Ie. torture. Welcome to America.

An accidental war

My latest New Matilda column is about the recently released Winograd Report in Israel and what it says about the institutional failures within the Jewish state: The release last week of the Israeli Government’s Winograd Report was designed to reveal the failures of the Lebanon adventure and hold military and political leaders to account. Prime…

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