Impeachment is just the beginning

Harper’s Scott Horton makes the case for still considering impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush in the last months of his presidency: As the final eleven months of the Bush Administration are being counted off in Washington, the accepted wisdom is that impeachment must be taken off the table. The end is now so close…

The importance of democracy

Human Rights Watch has launched its 2008 World Report. HRW head Kenneth Roth explains: Rarely has democracy been so acclaimed yet so breached, so promoted yet so disrespected, so important yet so disappointing. Today, democracy has become the sine qua non of legitimacy. Few governments want to be seen as undemocratic. Yet the credentials of…

Teaching the Jews what matters

Writing in the aftermath of Israel’s Winograd Committee on the failures of the 2006 Lebanon war – though it sadly ignored the pernicious role of Washington in perpetuating the conflict – Haaretz’s Tom Segev asks: To what extent have 40 years of occupation affected the ability of the Israel Defense Forces to protect the country?…

Let the corrupt fall

Israel’s Winograd Commission has reported on the 2006 Lebanon war and concluded “we are all guilty.” The fact that the Israeli leadership is likely to survive the report reflects the dysfunctionality of the Jewish state. Clearly launching an immoral and futile war and massacring innocent civilians is all in a good day’s work for Ehud…

Irans turns a corner

George Bush, in his annual state of the union address, highlighted so-called Iranian-backed extremism in the Middle East. The reality in Iran, however, is rarely examined by the mainstream media. Noted Iranian writer Nasrin Alavi, now based in London, argues that Ahmadinejad’s regime is decreasing in popularity due to its economic failures and overblown rhetoric:…

Jews for forced removal

While the international community continues to try and ignore the reality of Hamas in Gaza – now suggesting that Fatah should control the border between Gaza and Egypt – one of Israel’s leading Rabbis calls for ethnic cleansing: Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger has been quoted as calling for Gazans to be transferred to the…

The rules have changed

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, January 27: First there was delight. Senior officials in Israel said that Egypt had taken on this trouble called Gaza. You could almost hear the chadenfreude in their voices. After not wanting to hear about Gaza or its refugees for a generation, Egypt received both, explosively. Now, at last, there will be…

Who can we bomb next?

The Seattle-Post Intelligencer editorial board issues a call to arms: With the clock ticking on our “commitments” in Iraq — the international mandate expires in less than a year — the Bush administration is left in an interesting position. It could create a plan for a troop withdrawal; instead, the plan being negotiated with the…

Crushing balls for “intelligence”

American-style torture is now known throughout the world. Iraq was a testing ground for various forms of humiliation, harassment and outright torture, all condoned by the American government. A whistle-blower, who ran the military intelligence at Abu Ghraib, speaks out.

Marching on their homeland

After a week that saw Hamas courageously break Israel’s illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza, the democratically elected government issues a warning to the Jewish state: A senior Hamas official warned yesterday that the next breakout from the Gaza Strip could be into Israel, with 500,000 Palestinians attempting to march towards the towns and villages…

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