A sign of courage to the world

Viva Palestinian resistance: Hamas operatives had been sawing away the foundations of the wall between Egyptian and Palestinian Rafah for a few months to make it easier to blow it up when the time came, a source close to the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) in Rafah told Haaretz Wednesday. A central Hamas operative partially confirmed…

Giving the finger to Washington

Tony Karon, Rootless Cosmopolitan, January 23: The hole blown by Hamas in the Gaza-Egypt border fence has finally punctured the bubble of delusion surrounding the U.S.-Israeli Middle East policy. In a moment reminiscent of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, through the breach surged some 350,000 Palestinians — fully one fifth of Gaza’s total population,…

The actions of a proud “democracy”

The outrage in Gaza in the words of Israeli and Palestinian activists and civilians. Shamefully, the UN Security Council won’t condemn Israeli actions due to American pressure. Washington is truly Israel’s worst friend in the world.

The real awakening

Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail, Inter Press Service, January 14: For months now the U.S. military has been actively building what it calls ‘Awakening’ forces and “concerned local citizens” in an effort to reduce attacks on occupation forces. Members of the forces, which comprise primarily former resistance fighters and tribal groups, are paid 300 dollars…

The world according to our rules

Noam Chomsky, adapted from a Z Media Institute talk, June 2007: Can we do anything to make Iran a more democratic society? Not directly, but indirectly we can. We can pay attention to the dissidents and the reformists in Iran who are struggling courageously to turn Iran into a more democratic society. And we know…

When does foreign policy become parody?

Following Washington’s insistence that Iran was being needlessly provocative in the Strait of Hormuz last week – and then acknowledging that Tehran was perhaps not as guilty as initially claimed – now this: The threatening radio transmission heard at the end of a video showing harassing maneuvers by Iranian patrol boats in the Strait of…

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