Sorry about that violence

Despite the fact that a majority of Iraqi lawmakers in 2007 called for the withdrawal of foreign, occupation troops from the country, the Bush administration ignored the request. After all, the will of the Iraqi people has always been irrelevant. So how is Washington showing its commitment to the Iraqis? US admissions of Iraqi refugees…

The fall will be slow and sweet

Tony Karon, Rootless Cosmopolitan, December 24: A year from now, the Bush Administration will be emptying its desks into cardboard boxes and preparing to hand over to its successor. And, it’s a relatively safe bet that the menu of foreign policy crises and challenges it will leave in the in-trays of its successors will be…

American tax-dollars well spent

And you thought Guantanamo Bay was just about illegal detention and torture? Think again (thanks to the essential Wikileaks site): The US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay has been caught conducting covert propaganda attacks on the internet. The attacks, exposed this week in a report by the government transparency group Wikileaks, include deleting detainee ID…

Time for Jews to stand up and be counted

There are an increasing number of Jews trying to challenge the militaristic, neo-conservative fantasy of radical Jews who believe in the concept of endless war in the Middle East. Tragically, many Diaspora communities have allowed these Zionist lobbies to represent and speak for them, pushing war in Iraq, a strike against Iran and brutality against…

Just another day at the office

The United States, a torturing nation (sanctioned by the White House.) Welcome to the world’s only superpower. It still astounds me how many in the mainstream media refuse to condemn the use of torture. Their silence is little better than complicity.

Counting the costs

Like so many other self-declared democracies, the Jewish state exports death: Israel has passed Britain to become the world’s fourth largest exporter of weapons, Defense Ministry Director-General Pinchas Bucharis said yesterday. Israel had a total of $4 billion in defense exports in 2007, Bucharis said. The United States, Russia and France lead the world’s list…

Home-truths ignored by Washington

Dr. Ahmad Yousuf, Hamas Senior Political Advisor, in a letter to Condoleezza Rice: On a personal note we found it amusing that a black person empathizes with Israeli deaths on the one hand and Palestinian segregation on the other if media reports are accurate. It is a military occupation, Ms. Rice. Their citizens face insecurity…

Not negotiable

My latest New Matilda column is about the recent Annapolis conference and the Zionist lobby’s failure to understand how the political realities are changing: Despite the rhetoric wafting from the Zionist camp that most West Bank settlements would be abandoned in a peace deal, a recent poll found that the vast majority of these settlers…

Unfit to serve

Keith Olbermann delivers another Special Comment on the Bush lies over Iran (why is it so hard for our mainstream media to call our leaders for what they truly are? Charlatans):

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