Killing for black gold

A new documentary, Battle for Basra, outlines the struggles over the city and its vast oil reserves. Suffice to say, this is the real significance of the war and why the carnage will continue for years to come:

This is who they are

Andrew Sullivan, December 6: This administration commits war-crimes, hides the evidence from federal law officers and the 9/11 Commission and then destroys the evidence completely. Give that some time to sink in.

Lessons in rogue state behaviour 101

America has told Britain that it can “kidnap” British citizens if they are wanted for crimes in the United States. A senior lawyer for the American government has told the Court of Appeal in London that kidnapping foreign citizens is permissible under American law because the US Supreme Court has sanctioned it.

War crimes alert

A petition worth signing (even with a recent change of Australian government): To: International Criminal Court We, the undersigned, call for the indictment and prosecution of John Winston Howard (currently Australian Prime Minister), Robert Hill (former Defence Minister) and Alexander Downer (Foreign Minister) for acts of terrorism and war crimes. We believe that under Australia`s…

Hold us close

Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard and new leader Kevin Rudd see the world in essentially the same way. In other words, subservience is the name of the game.

Banning “bad” thoughts

The land of the free? With overwhelming bipartisan support, Rep. Jane Harman’s “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act” passed the House 404-6 late last month and now rests in Sen. Joe Lieberman’s Homeland Security Committee. Swift Senate passage appears certain. Not since the “Patriot Act” of 2001 has any bill so threatened our constitutionally…

Kevin Rudd, agent of change?

My following feature appears in US magazine The Nation and discusses the rise of Kevin Rudd to Prime Minister of Australia: The political annihilation of Prime Minister John Howard in the November 24 election marks a milestone in Australian history. “From this day forth,” writes political columnist Glenn Milne, “no government can rely on the…

The future remains bleak

The Annapolis “peace” conference has concluded with Israel and the Palestinian Authority pledging to reach some kind of agreement by the end of 2008. Talking is always a good thing, far preferable to war, but the reality on the ground and the deep splits in both sides make the chances of peace almost impossible. Leading…

They’re never leaving

Iraq and America have agreed on…  “principles” for a permanent American presence. The never-ending occupation (further evidenced by the grotesque US$600 million US embassy in Baghdad.)

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