Try this at home

When a senior Bush administration official decided in 2004 that water-boarding was torture after he personally experienced the treatment – he was promptly silenced after this private revelation – we can confidently say that the world’s leading super-power is yet again proud of its torturing record:

Send your daughters, George

Bush reality: President Bush offered an upbeat assessment on Friday of progress in Iraq, saying that while corruption remained a problem and unemployment was high, the economy was growing, violence was down and, “slowly but surely, the people of Iraq are reclaiming a normal society.” Reality: The Army began its recruiting year Oct. 1 with…

Maybe freedom tomorrow

As Iraq fades from the daily news and civilian casualties rising again in October, we need now more than ever the reality on the ground, this time from Baquba: The much touted “surge” of U.S. troops in Baquba has caused more problems that it has solved, residents say. Baquba, capital city of Iraq’s Diyala province…

Torturing for “freedom”

The Bush administration’s proposed new Attorney General Michael Mukasey seems to have a problem labeling water-boarding as torture. Water-boarding is torture. Period.

Forgive us our sins

The irreplaceable Max Blumenthal – film-maker and all around trouble-maker against the American Right – is back with a new short about a recent conference of the Christian fundies. And remember, abortion/homosexuals/Arabs/Muslims are a threat.

Heal me, Moses

Ladies and gentlemen, we seem to have found a modern-day Moses. Who, you may ask? AKA Nashville-based blogger Webutante – barely knew Jewish Republicans existed until last week, when she met former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, whom she now views as “a modern day Moses leading his people out of slavery, into freedom.…

Iran is not a threat

International Atomic Energy Agency chairman Mohammed ElBaradei on Iran: I have not received any information that there is a concrete, active nuclear weapon program going on right now. ”¦ We have information that there have been maybe some studies about possible weaponization. But we are looking into these alleged studies with Iran right now. ”¦…

We know heaps about gulags

The Decider speaks: “The socialist paradise [Cuba] is a tropical gulag.” Oh, the irony. A few years ago, Amnesty head Irene Khan called Guantanamo Bay, the US base in Cuba, the “gulag of our times.” Yes, Bush believes in human rights, freedom and democracy. Shame about the over one million dead in Iraq.

How far he’s come (ie. waking up to reality)

Leading conservative American commentator Andrew Sullivan, days after September 11: The middle part of the country – the great red zone that voted for Bush – is clearly ready for war. The decadent left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead – and may well mount a fifth column. Sullivan, today, after hearing…

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