Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on the establishment media’s constant and obsessive campaign to discredit Julian Assange. Shooting the messenger is an old tactic but now corporate journalists are joining in: It’s not hard to see why The New York Times, CNN and so many other establishment media outlets are eager to do that. … Serving the Government’s…
Showing all posts tagged Bush

George, may I use tongue?
Bob Geldof writes a love letter to George W. Bush. (Yes, it’s as undignified and delusional as you’d expect): On Air Force One, Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Bobby Pittman, the National Security Council adviser for Africa, and I stayed awake as the pitch night engulfed us, only punctuated by the…

Murdoch praises the greatest man on the planet
Fox News is a channel truly sponsored by the White House (its latest show is below, need one say more?):

What Bush and Rove have created
Welcome to the modern Republican Party. Freaks (and creationists) only need apply.

Lessons in dishonesty, volume 1
Republican svengali Karl Rove and George W. Bush confidante is soon to release a book, with bidding already said to be in the millions. An advance copy of the table of contents is below:

From Clinton to Bush
Greg Palast, November 12: Just months before he left office President Clinton paid a sudden visit to Musharraf. Congressional Democrats were stunned. Musharraf had quickly shown himself to be a Taliban-loving, unbalanced dictator who violated US treaty terms by exploding a nuke and threatening to incinerate our ally India. Notably, the Ambassador with Clinton made…

Tasting failure
Sidney Blumenthal, Salon, November 8: Every aspect of Bush’s foreign policy has now collapsed. Every dream of neoconservatism has become a nightmare. Every doctrine has turned to dust. The influence of the United States has reached a nadir, its lowest point since before World War II, when the country was encased in isolationism.

This is what a real commentator looks like
Keith Olbermann unloads on the Bush administration’s use of torture (his directness is almost shocking in its honesty):