The battle between Wikileaks and Miley Cyrus

According to this Canadian writer, Wikileaks has been largely ineffective in truly bringing change because of our incredibly short attention spans: The “collateral murder” video has been viewed almost 7m times on YouTube – that’s 128 times fewer than the video for Miley Cyrus’s Party in the USA. That comparison might seem silly, but it…

Stop the internet filter forum in Sydney

For any Sydneysiders: 6pm Wednesday 7th July Gaelic Club, 1/64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills Join Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, journalist Antony Loewenstein and Lee Rhiannon to discuss internet censorship issues. Communications Minister has announced plans to introduce an internet filter which will restrict Australians’ access to the internet and establish a system for widespread government…

Turning off the web

As we learn that the Australian government is trying to force web companies to store the history of internet users, America is considering going down a path that is almost inevitable. Being able to harness the internet, a medium that loves to give the finger to regulation (hello Wikileaks), frustrates those who want to control…

The last thing Iran needs is American “assistance”

I write extensively about the web in repressive regimes but I remain skeptical (to put it mildly) when neo-conservatives talk about democracy promotion. Take Reuel Marc Gerecht in today’s New York Times: The democracy movement also needs a large supply of digital-video broadcasting cards, which function much like prepaid telephone cards and allow downloading and…

Wikileaks founder in danger

The ongoing saga around Wikileaks and the fearful establishment who now, for the first time, can’t control a medium (the web) that may publish information that upsets those in power: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

How to shame Washington with one easy online dump

The power of Wikileaks has become legendary (this recent New Yorker profile is fascinating). A website unafraid to publish sensitive information and to hell with the consequences. Transparency with few limits: Pentagon investigators are trying to determine the whereabouts of the Australian-born founder of the secretive website Wikileaks for fear that he may be about…

Rules of the cyberjihad

In my book The Blogging Revolution I examine Tehran’s various methods of censoring the web and torturing online dissidents. That campaign is only getting worse and Western firms are complicit: Iran’s mullahcracy inevitably recalls the latter days of the Soviet Union. But — at least until the very end — the Soviet censors could clamp…

Repeat after me; no Twitter explosion in the Islamic Republic

I’ve written before about the hyped media campaign last year that falsely claimed the civil unrest in Iran was a Twitter Revolution. In fact, many of the Iranian Twitter accounts were being run from inside the US. So how many hacks will read this? But it is time to get Twitter’s role in the events…

How much independence should Facebook be given?

The following article by Curt Hopkins appears on popular American technology blog ReadWriteWeb: The Australian Federal Police insist that Facebook hire a compliance officer and install a “rat button” on its site that will allow Australians to report anyone to the police with click. The social media company and the AFP have been going back…

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