Our Western leaders must be so proud of backing Egyptian brutality

The West backed three decades of Egyptian-government depravity, all in the name of “stability”. But what did this mean for the people? Here’s Sarah Carr, a freelance journalist and a senior researcher with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, writing about entering the Nasr City State Security Investigations (SSI) headquarters recently: State Security Investigations combined…

How to face “incitement” allegation in Israel

Beyond parody (but such is the reality in modern Israel). Via The Only Democracy in the Middle East: Sara Benninga, whose speech I reposted here on the blog, was interrogated by the police after speaking at the JStreet conference I attended. She provided one of the voices for a new direction for Jewish and Israeli…

This is what the West has backed for 3 decades in Egypt; depravity

Remarkable documents have emerged from Egypt from inside Alexandria’s State Security compound: This past weekend, Egyptians lost their patience and simply started dismantling it themselves. After reports of documents being burned and moved out by the truckload, crowds converged on its offices in Alexandria, Cairo, and the southern city of Aswan. Once they broke in,…

West has no moral case for military actions in Arab world

Roger Cohen in the New York Times is spot-on but mark my words; most journalists, think-tankers, commentators and politicians have deliberately short memories. In time they’ll simply say: “Our complicity in Arab horrors? Oh but it’s so complicated…”: Hearings should be held in the U.S. Congress and throughout Western legislatures on these questions: How did…

Civil space shrinking in Gaza thanks to Hamas, Israel and Egypt

The Islamist group does itself no favours with such behaviour: Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately lift bans arbitrarily imposed on books and newspapers, Human Rights Watch said today. Hamas security officers recently confiscated copies of novels from bookstores on the basis of their allegedly “immoral” content, and Hamas officials bar newspapers from being brought…

Why aren’t these bought Orientalist hacks stripped of legitimacy?

Further evidence of the moral and political bankruptcy of the intellectual and commentator class. How many whores were willing to work spruiking Mubarak’s brutal regime? And now this: In February 2007 Harvard professor Joseph Nye Jr., who developed the concept of “soft power,” visited Libya and sipped tea for three hours with Muammar Qaddafi. Months…

Washington; enough of this Arab democracy talk

Evidence one: As more than 100,000 protesters descended into the streets on Friday, women uniformly dressed in black flowing robes carried signs saying, “Revolution: The only solution.” Three weeks of pro-democracy protests in this island nation have followed the pattern of those in Egypt and Tunisia, with cellphones and Facebook posts propelling the movement and…

What on earth will lobbyists do who love Arab dictators?

Rest assured, dictators will always need Western whores to soften their brutality in political, media and corporate circles: For years, they have been one of the most formidable lobbying forces in town: the elite band of former members of Congress, former diplomats and power brokers who have helped Middle Eastern nations navigate diplomatic waters here…

Hypocrisy trumps policy in Western alliance with Libya

My following article appears today on ABC’s The Drum: The latest BBC interview with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, situated in a fancy restaurant on the Mediterranean, was painful to watch. Clearly delusional and blaming drug-addled youth and al-Qaeda for the ongoing revolution in his country (which he claimed he didn’t lead, the “masses” were in…

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